- The enemy supported ground troops with gunships. 敌军以武装直升飞机支援地面部队
- Inform ground troops to position wire barricade. 通知地面部队安装金属刺桧舰。
- Its soldiers are dropped into a designated area ahead of ground troops. 该连士兵先于地面部队被空投到指定地域。
- Freezing enemy maneuver gave the proxy ground troops the ability to mass. 冻结敌行动,使代理人部队能够集结。
- Will the aid of naval gunfire, the ground troops regained the initiative. 我们的地面部队,在海军炮火掩护下,遂将主动权夺回。
- Every available soldier in the Berlin area was to be thrown into the attack, including the Luftwaffe ground troops. 柏林地区凡是能够搜罗到的一兵一卒,包括德国空军地面部队,都必须全部投入战斗。
- No ground troops are in Laos, so it's all right to kill Laotians as long as it's done by remote control. 在老挝没有地面部队,只要屠杀是遥控进行的,就可以枪杀老挝人。
- Military officials say a lack of ground troops there means they have to rely on air assaults which they admit are less accurate. 军方官员称因陆军部队的缺乏,他们必须采取空袭的方式,而他们承认空袭的精确度并不高。
- It added, however, that any Chinese attempt to invade with ground troops could likely still be repelled by the Taiwanese army. 不过,该报告补充称,中国大陆用地面部队进攻台湾的任何企图,可能仍会被台湾陆军击退。
- Because the military today does not have enough available ground troops to use for intimidation, the moves were pretty much the only options available. 因为美国军方今天已经没有可用的地面部队来吓阻敌人,这些动作根本是唯一可行的选项。
- He said the ground troops of the Army and Marines have especially__5 borne the brunt of__ under-funding and the human and material costs of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. 他说陆军和海军的地面部队是军费短缺的主要对象;也是伊拉克和阿富汗战争中人力与物资的主要消耗者.
- He said the ground troops of the Army and Marines have especially borne the brunt of under-funding and the human and material costs of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. 他还称,首当其冲受到资金不足影响的是陆军和海军,尤其是受到伊拉克和阿富汗冲突带来的人员和物资消耗。
- In particular the paper says there is concerns about the impact on Pakistan's government, the key US ally if the presence of US ground troops beame public. 特别是该报提到有担忧认为如果美国地面部队的存在被公之于众,美国的关键同盟Pakistan政府回受到很大的冲击。
- But Hamas, hopelessly outgunned from the air, may well want to lure Israeli ground troops into the heavily built-up Gaza Strip where they could be engaged in street-fighting. 当时哈马斯,在空军力量要超过以色列是无望的,只可能希望引诱以色列步兵到有建筑物重重的加沙地带,在那,他们可以进行街头对抗。
- He said the ground troops of the Army and Marines ha vee specially borne the brunt of under-funding and the human and material cost s of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. 他说,地面部队和海军前线尤为不足,因为受到了伊拉克和阿富汗冲突所带来的人员和物质消耗。
- In addition to a shortage of available ground troops, military planners worry, armor and other combat gear being rushed to Iraq might not be around for use in another crisis. 除了可调度的地面部队不足,军方规画人员还担心,装甲车与其他战斗装备运往伊拉克,可能无法调来应付另一场危机。
- It has also opposed Japan's stationing of ground troops in Iraq and refuelling operations in the Indian Ocean, arguing that these violate the pacifist constitution. 它还反对日本在伊拉克驻扎地面部队以及在印度洋上的燃料补给行动,称这些活动违背了和平宪法。
- Now that the credibility of the Atlantic Alliance has been staked, we must persist -- with ground troops if necessary -- until Serb military forces leave Kosovo and the refugees are allowed to return. 现今,大西洋联盟的可信度既已确立,我们就必须将它贯彻到底??若有必要,则可派出地面部队??直至塞族军队撤出科索沃,难民被允许返回家园。
- American ground troops, equipped with laptops that can download real-time video from UAVs overhead, "want more and more of it," said Maj.Chris Snodgrass, the Predator squadron commander here. 驻伊拉克“捕食者”无人机中队指挥官斯诺格拉斯少校称,装备了笔记本电脑的美军地面部队可以从空中的无人机那里接收到即时图像。
- Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon continued unabated Saturday and Israeli ground troops continued to battle Hezbollah militants in a push to find and destroy Hezbollah's Katyusha rocket launchers. 而以色列对黎巴嫩的空袭当天依然未减弱,他的地面部队持续与真主党交火以试图找到并摧毁真主党的喀秋莎火箭发射器。