- The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. 龙就是魔鬼,他尽力设法叫我们犯上帝的诫命,轻视预言之灵所传来耶稣的见证。
- The Spirit is the Spirit of prayer. 圣灵乃是祷告的灵。
- What we lack is the spirit of humility. 我们缺乏的就是谦卑下来的精神。
- Responsibility is the spirit of Aigret Co. 敬业奉献---是玉鹭的精神,
- Taike is the spirit of men and women unafraid of their identity. 台客的精神并不怕别人给他们划上标记。
- The spirit of freedom is the core of Chuang Tzu thought. 摘要自由精神是庄子哲学思想的核心。
- This survey is the work of a real professional. 这份调查是真正内行人做的。
- A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly. 毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体。
- She is the product of a broken home. 她是一个破裂家庭的产儿。
- What I need now is the security of a happy home. 我现在需要的是一个幸福家庭所给予的安全感。
- Humanistic factors is the spirit of interior design. 人文因素是室内设计的灵魂。
- The painting is the work of a pupil of Rembrandt. 这幅画是伦勃朗的一位弟子的作品。
- For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. 因为预言中的灵意,乃是为耶稣作见证。
- Politeness is the attribute of a gentleman. 温文有礼是绅士的特质。
- The spirit of mutual respect is the foundation of our cooperation. 互相尊重的精神是我们今天文化合作的基础。
- That is the test of a real hero. 这是真正英雄的本色。
- He is the first hero of a recurrent national epic. 他是重现过去的民族史诗的第一位主人公。
- A spring that is the source or head of a stream. 源头,源泉一条溪流的源头或源泉
- Fruit is the result of someone who lives in the Spirit of God. 人活在神的灵里会有甚么结果?
- It is as if grief is the scab that permits healing. 悲伤好象是帮助愈合的结痂。