- We reposed great trust in his tact and discretion. 我们极为信任他的机智和谨慎。
- He is holding the property in great trust for her. 他受重托为她保管这财产。
- The old lady placed great trust in her grandson. 那位老太太对她孙子非常信任。
- They have placed great trust in him as a negotiator. 他们完全信赖他进行谈判。
- I think you ought to superimpose the great trust of mine on your heart. 我想你应该牢记住我对你的重托。
- In his tact and discretion, especially, we had always rested great trust. 我们一向特别信任他的机智和判断力。
- In his tact and discretion. espcially, we had always reposed great trust. 我们一向特别信任他的机智和判断力。
- Do you- -does each of you--accept this great trust[Tumultuous assent]? 请问大家--请问各位--是否接受这个重托呢(台下纷纷答应)?
- I shall think it is a great trust to obey the wishes of my dead father. 我认为按照先父的愿望去做是我重大的职责。
- "Personally, I have great trust in the tactician and the work that the entire club is doing," said Berlusconi. “米兰是一直强队,但是不幸的是,我们现在的伤病太多了,一支球队存在这样或那样的问题是很正常的。”
- The office of prime minister is one of great trust, he who holds that office cradles the nation in his palms. 按照他的“工商链条理论”,这样最终将导致我国内需持续萎缩,国家经济面临全面萧条。
- Many words do not satisfy the soul; but a good life eases the mind and a clean conscience inspires great trust in God. 多言多语,不能满足心灵;只有生活圣善,方能内心宁静。良心纯净增益对天主的绝大信赖。
- Apparently even at that time people still did not have any great trust in fatherhood , especially in the case of serfs. 那时,在人们中间,特别是在农奴中间,似乎仍然不大信赖父系血统;
- The vital great trust had been engraved in our heart. Let's pray for the life, civilization and future. 那些生命的重托,刻在我们的心底。让我们为生命的祈祷,为文明祈祷,为明天祈祷。
- He remembered he had once said the great Trust had overlooked his little enterprise, distaining to plunder such small fry. 他记得自己有一回说过,这个大托拉斯有意放过他这门小本经纪,不屑吞这种小鱼。
- Liu Jibao speaks of from this, cannot the ashamed expectation to center great trust and masses, also cannot the ashamed accredit to the netizen. 刘奇葆由此谈到,不能愧对中心的重托和群众的期待,也不能愧对网友的信任。
- Pan Yueming is the answer given by the people of this very fresh, the story is "alternative", directed by Ye Daying great trust in him. 潘粤明给出的答案就是这个人物很新鲜,故事很“另类”,叶大鹰导演很信任他。
- The Company in a sincere, sincere and-Connaught, integrity, sincerity services for the purpose, won the Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, the great trust and support. 本公司以诚恳、诚挚、诚诺、诚信、诚心服务为宗旨,赢得了香港及东南亚地区客户的极大信任和支持。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 这篇韵文表现出强烈的激情。