- Nature of Gravitational Field in Relativity 相对论中引力场性质研究
- An instrument used to measure variations in a gravitational field. 重差计用于测量重力场中变化的仪器
- The moon is in capture of the Earth's gravitational field. 月球被地球的重力场吸引。
- And thus its gravitational field. 重力场也是这个样子。
- The playing field in ice hockey; the rink. 溜冰场冰球的场地; 冰球场
- Gravitational Field in Linear Accelerated System and its Classical Approximate 直线加速系中的引力场及其经典近似
- V: Gauge is scaled in vacuum value only. 用于真空表刻度。
- Cr or Cr - Ti alloy was used in vacuum evaporation. 以金属铬和铬钛合金进行真空蒸镀。
- They managed to hold the field in spite of heavy casualties. 尽管伤亡重大,他们还是守住了阵地。
- The minimum velocity needed to escape a gravitational field. 逃离引力场所需最短时间。
- There are fertile fields in the Nile Delta. 尼罗河三角洲土地肥沃。
- No.overflow,freezing steam and lether solid remains in vacuum room. 真空腔内不会遗留冷凝蒸气及皮张固体残留物;
- Of or relating to measurement of variations in a gravitational field. 重差计的属于或关于测量重力场中变化的
- The extract is filtered and spry in vacuum dryer to obtain dye. 萃取时采用过滤的方法真空烘干后获取染料;
- There was a house in this field in Roman times. 古罗马时期这块地里有一座房子。
- The strong gravitational field of a neutron star provides the answer. 中子星的超强引力提供了最佳的解答。
- The open fields in the city have now been entirely built in. 城里的那些旷野现在全都有建筑物了。
- The hypothetical effect of reducing or canceling a gravitational field. 反重力,反引力一种假想的能够减弱或消除地球引力的力。
- They lead the field in home entertainment systems. 他们在家庭娱乐设备行业中居领先地位。
- Analysis of Axial Magnetic Field in Vacuum Interrupters with Cup Type Axial Magnetic Field Contacts 杯状纵磁真空灭弧室磁场特性分析