- The car bumped on the uneven surface of the gravel road. 汽车在高低不平的砾石路面上颠簸着。
- His old car bumped down the gravel road. 他那辆老爷车在砾石路上颠簸行驶。
- True love travels on a gravel road. 真爱在砾石路上前行。
- Entered the yard is a gravel road through the door. 一进院子,是条直通房门的石子路。
- The house is connected with the garden by a gravel road. 房子由一条砾石路与花园相连。
- They turned off the main highway onto a winding gravel road. 他们离开主要公路,转入一条弯曲的砾石路。
- THe steam roller leveled off the gravel road and then the concrete was poured. 蒸气压路机先把路基的砾石整平,然后才倒下混凝土。
- I dound the state road, the county road, and the little gravel road. 我找到洲际公路,县公路,和小碎石路。
- Bessie carried a lantern, whose light glanced on wet steps and gravel road sodden by a recent thaw. 比丝椤住盏灯,嗰啲闪烁嘅灯光照喺湿湆湆嘅、啱啱解冻嘅台阶同埋砂石路上面。
- The government had not yet built a gravel road into Fort McKay;you got there by boat or in the winter by dogsled. 由于加拿大政府尚未兴建进入麦凯堡的石子路,所以若要进入这一带的话,必须坐船,在冬天则必须靠着狗橇才到得了。
- Example1.原文:whose light glanced on wet steps and gravel road sodden by a recent thaw. 译文:灯光在潮湿的阶梯和石子路上闪烁,而此时石子路刚好解冻。
- The green truck again. Along the gravel roads with the sun lowering itself. 又回到绿色卡车,沿着柏油路,在落日余晖中行驶。
- A kilometer from Miaohe, where the gravel road that provides sole access to the village passes through a muddy tunnel, the villagers have set up temporary housing. 在离庙河村1公里的地方,通往这个村庄唯一的碎石路会经过一个泥泞的隧道。
- Mend gravel road project. This project solves the problem of traffic. This project and dangerous building rebuilt project improve local traffic and living condition a lot. 砾石公路的实施,解决了村民出行难的问题,结合村庄改造和危房改建,改善了村民出行和居住环境。
- Pass to face the inquisition of use the condition towards experimenting the road segment of road, verify the cement mixture gravel road to face is adoptable in the lower class highway construction. 通过对试验路段的路面使用状况的调查,验证砾碎石混凝土路面在低等级公路建设中是可采用的。
- The road is covered with gravel. 这路用砾石铺成。
- It was hot, he was hot, Harry--his truck--was hot, and he was wandering around on gravel roads that seemed to lead nowhere except to the next gravel road. 天气很热,他很热,哈里--他的卡车也很热,他在砂砾路上转悠,这些路好像除了通向下一条砂砾路之外没有尽头。
- Field time also can unpredictably vanish, as we discover when the rough, gravel roads take their toll on the rental SUV, which suffers three flats in just two days. 野外工作的时间也会因遭逢意外而消逝,颠簸、充满碎石的道路著实教训了租来的休旅车,短短两天内轮胎漏了三次气。
- Test drive route is planned for the factory, about 40 kilometers, including the implementation of national and multi-curved corner of the gravel roads and urban areas. 试驾路线是厂方规划好了的,约40公里的环线包括了国道、多弯碎石道路和城区一角。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。