- graphics manipulating language 图形操作语言
- In Task-based listening, learners listen to naturalistic texts for a range of authentic purposes that go beyond manipulating language for its own sake. 在任务型听力中,学生听的是各种真实场景中的自然对话,超出了为了学语言自身而编造内容。
- Graphics Device Interface The Symbian OS component related to graphics manipulation, graphics context, bitmaps. 图形设备接口Symbian操作系统中同图形操作,图形上下文,位图相关联的部分。
- A stored procedure that executes in response to a data manipulation language (DML) or data definition language (DDL) event. 为响应数据操作语言(DML)事件或数据定义语言(DDL)事件而执行的存储过程。
- With the rapid development of CSCW, CAD has been the tool for "human-human interaction" to support the group communication and collaboration as well as for design computation, intelligence reasoning and graphics manipulation. 设计活动不仅具备创造性和智能性,而且具备群体性和协作性。 随着计算机支持协同工作(CSCW)的出现和快速发展,CAD不仅是一个设计计算、图形处理工具,而且又成为一个支持群体间通讯和协作的“人人交互”工具。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- This part of the language is referred to as a data manipulation language (DML). Creating tables falls under DDL, the structural part. 这一部分的语言被称之为DML。创建数据表被归在DDL类,即结构部分。
- As mentioned previously in the section “Creating a Database,” the manipulative component of SQL is called Data Manipulation Language (DML). 像前面“创建数据库”部分所讲的,SQL的控制部分叫做数据控制语言,简称“DML”。
- Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics. 硬拷贝是出现在纸上、印刷上或图表上的电脑输出。
- The OPTIMIZATION_GOAL option controls whether Adaptive Server Anywhere optimizes SQL data manipulation language (DML) statements for response time or total resource consumption. OPTIMIZATION_GOAL选项控制Adaptive Server Anywhere为响应时间还是总资源消耗而优化SQL数据操作语言(DML)语句。
- Some data manipulation language (DML) operations, such as table truncation, use Sch-M locks to prevent access to affected tables by concurrent operations. 某些数据操作语言(DML)操作(例如表截断)使用Sch-M锁阻止并发操作访问受影响的表。
- It provides Data Definition Language (DDL) , Data Manipulation Language (DML) , as well built-in functions, such as:Sum, Average, Count, Maximum and Minimum. 此系统设有数据定义语言DDL、数据操纵语言DML; 还有求和、求平均值、计数、求最大值、求最小值等库函数。
- KQML(Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language) which is a protocol for exchanging infor mation and knowledge, is widely used as an agent communication language. 知识查询和操纵语言是目前多代理系统中广泛采用的通讯规范之一,它规定了标准格式来支持代理同的实时通讯。
- Abstract: KQML(Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language) which is a protocol for exchanging infor mation and knowledge, is widely used as an agent communication language. 摘 要: 知识查询和操纵语言是目前多代理系统中广泛采用的通讯规范之一,它规定了标准格式来支持代理同的实时通讯。
- Extends the base knowledge query and manipulation language (KQML) to support multi-agent group re-keying protocols and secure group communication protocol. 在基本知识查询和处理语言(KQML)的基础上进行扩充,使得KQML能够支持多智能体群组密钥更新协议和安全群组通信协议。
- SSDS you can think of as a structured data store in the cloud(building block service), which is accessed using Internet protocols using a basic data manipulation language. 你可以认为SSDS是一个可以存储结构化数据的云(用以构建大型应用),你可以使用基本的数据操作语言通过互联网协议对它进行访问。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英语和德语属于同一语系。
- The newspaper article gave a graphic description of the earthquake. 报纸文章生动地描述了地震的情况。