- Screed four series of nearly 60 standard models. 上海市高新技术企业;
- To the renting object belong a cellar and a screed compartment. 不过意思就这样啦。。
- The enraged Screed had to admit defeat, and moved on. 恼羞成怒的斯克里德不得不承认失败,拂袖而去。
- The pro-whaling screed was approved by a much thinner margin: 33 votes to 32. 上一次关于捕鲸的冗长决议是以33票对32票的微弱差数通过的。
- Screed humored him, and watched Koong's increasingly desperate plots. 在斯克里德的纵容下,孔的计划越来越冒险。
- It is constructed of steel frame on reinforced concrete foundations and finished with screed floors and painted steel sheet walls under a flat roof. 该物业为钢结构建筑,钢筋混凝土基础,水泥地板,涂覆油漆钢板墙,平层屋顶。
- Screed oversaw the placement of the Great Heep on Biitu, and voyaged to the distant Roon system. 斯克里德在比图星监督过大希普的工作,而后他航行至遥远的鲁恩星系。
- Generous existing old dwelling with Veranda, installation kitchen and shower, cellar, screed, wash house is shared. 还有公共洗衣房可以用。。。其他没什么了。重要的都在这里。
- In the early days of the Empire, Screed was a tall man with harsh, angular features and an electronic eyepatch. 在帝国初期,斯克里德是一个身材高大的男人。他有着棱角分明的脸庞,左眼戴着电子眼罩。
- Koong and Screed escaped, and the Governor tried to save face in front of the unimpressed Imperial. 孔和斯克里德逃了出来。孔总督想在失望的帝国高官眼前挽回脸面。
- He invited Imperial Admiral Screed to his salvaging operation in the Cloak of the Sith nebula. 他邀请帝国海军上将斯克里德参观他的回收厂。这家回收厂位于“西斯之蓬”星云内。
- QR-35 Burner is particularly suitable for preheating screed at construction site. QR-35型燃烧器特别适用于野外施工时对熨平板进行预热。
- Though Screed was not initially impressed with such brutish methods, he kept an open mind. 斯克里德虽然一开始对这种野蛮的做法不以为然,但也并不介意。
- Though his position faltered in the coming years, Screed nonetheless remained a presence in the Imperial Navy. 在以后的岁月里,尽管斯克里德的军旅生涯并非一帆风顺,但他一直是帝国海军中不可忽视的一个人物。
- Blaming the permissive 1960s is nothing new, but this is not yet another screed against the decline in education. 怪罪放纵的60年代并不新鲜,而这并不是另一本批评教育滑坡的长篇大论。
- Construction Materials Division incorporated a new subsidiary, Instant Mortars Ltd, to develop the pre-mixed mortar and screed business. 建筑材料系成立即用沙浆有限公司,发展预拌沙浆业务。
- The latter is not as well integrated into the plot as the former, relying on Susan Sarandon to convey the art-versus-commerce screed. 后者则是不作为,以及融入的阴谋,因为前者,依靠苏珊莎兰登转达艺术银两商业板。
- And isn't it strange that a billionaire should write a screed against US consumerism and the way business seeks to stimulate desires? “既然我是个有钱人,我做的任何荒唐事,都是一个有钱人的荒唐事,”他一边笑着,一边仓促地说。
- YANG Shimin,WU Guojin.Analysis of floating leveling process of paver screed[J].Construction Machinery and Equipment,2002(2):12-15. [1]杨士敏;吴国进.;摊铺机熨平板浮动找平过程分析[J]
- Manufacturer and supplier of E- Mix premixed spray plaster, tile adhesive, self- levelling screed, non shrink grout and repair mortar. 乾混喷浆及手批用批荡、磁砖黏合剂、填缝剂、自流平地台及修补混凝土材料生产商及供应商。