- An announcement of further cuts in government expenditure is imminent. 最近将发布进一步削减政府开支的公告。
- What are the main areas of government expenditure? 政府主要的开支范畴是甚么?
- Government expenditure on education is rising. 政府在教育上的支出正在增加。
- Cuts in government expenditure are politically unpopular. 政府削减支出在政治上是不受欢迎的。
- Thrift should be the guiding principle in our government expenditure. 财政的支出,应该以节省为指导原则。
- Government expenditure comprises operating expenditure and capital expenditure. 政府的开支帐目分为经营开支和非经营开支。
- The trend towards accelerated government expenditure has got out of hand. 政府开支加速的趋势已经无法控制。
- He also undertook to earmark $235 billion in government expenditure on infrastructure projects within five years. 同时承诺在五年内投资二千三百五十亿元进行基建。
- Proxmire has made himself quite a reputation out of ridiculing government expenditure he disagrees with. 普罗克斯迈尔对于他不同意花的政府开支总要取笑一番,他因此而名声大振。
- Contain growth of government expenditure below that of economy in coming years Raise additional revenue, e. G. 政府会在未来几年,将开支增长控制在经济增长以下。
- Public revenue has increased and government expenditure has been contained, greatly easing the fiscal deficit. 公共财政收入增加,政府开支受到控制,赤字压力大为纾缓。
- The third part: analysis and experience learning of government expenditure in higher education from the U.S. And Japan. 第三部分美日两国政府高等教育支出的分析与经验借鉴。
- Note : Government expenditure on tertiary education does not include vocational education at the equivalent level. 註釋:政府的高等教育開支不包括同等程度的職業教育開支。
- The curves of investment, the government expenditure functions, and net exports function are horizontal lines. 投资函数、政府支出函数和净出口支出函数的曲线是水平线。
- This article also executes primary comparative analysis of China and international government expenditure on health. 最后对国内外政府卫生支出进行了简要的对比分析。
- In view of this, I set the target level of fiscal reserves at an amount equivalent to about 12 months of government expenditure. 因此,我把财政储备的目标水平定为相等于约12个月的政府开支总额。
- According to our well-established budgetary principles, government expenditure should grow no faster than the economy as a whole. 根据政府向来行之有效的理财原则,政府开支增长不可超越整体经济的增长。
- Fiscal policy(eg. tax cut and/or government expenditure increase)has a significant stimulative impact on a less than fully emplayed economy. 财政政策(例如,减税和/或增加政府支出)对低于充分就业的经济有重要的刺激效应(90%25)
- The figures on total government expenditure and total government expenditure on education are extracted from The Budget. 政府开支总额和政府在教育方面的开支总额的数字是摘录自政府财政预算案。
- Local government expenditure usually represents only a very small proportion of total expenditure within any community, the lion's share coming from private purses. 在任何社会,地方政府的开支常常只能代表地方总支出的极小部分,而最大部分主要来自私人的口袋。