- Finally, The New Yorker got into the act. 最后,《纽约客》杂志也粉墨登场。
- Whatever we are doing,Alice always wants to get into the act. 无论干什么事,爱丽斯总想插一手。
- Her mother got into the act and drove away a lot of their customers. 自他母亲插手管理后,许多顾客不再光顾了。
- Whatever we are doing, Alice always wants to get into the act. 无论干什么事,爱丽斯总想插一手。
- She spent a lot of money on designer's clothes and liked to get into the act. 他花很多钱买名设计师做的衣服,并且喜欢参加上流社会的社交活动。
- Get into the act To insert oneself into an ongoing activity, project, or situation. 加入,参与:中途加入到进行中的活动、项目或形势。
- The gremlins have got into the computer again. 捣乱的小精灵又钻进计算机里了。
- One Harrington free throw made it 92-62, and Richardson got into the act later in the period with a three ball, boosting the lead to 96-68. Harrington的一记无人看守的三分球把比分改写为92-62,此后Richardson也以一记三分球加入了这场表演,把领先优势扩大到96-68。
- Apparently earth was the only property that wasn't provokable, on the external level at least, but it would move when the wind property got into the act. 地似乎是唯一不可激发的元素,至少在外在层次,不过当风元素参与时,它也会移动。
- The robber used force to get into the house. 强盗使用暴力强行进入住宅。
- The robbers got into the bank by masquerading as security men. 劫匪假装成保安人员进入银行。
- There was absolute mayhem when the cow got into the village hall. 那牛闯进村会议厅,造成一片混乱。
- Even Lotus has gotten into the act,moving beyond its Domino strategy with QuickPlace 2.0,its teamware offering. 甚至Lotus公司也加入进来,在其Domino战略之外推出了组件产品QuickPlace 2.;0。
- Jack, mislead by bad companion, get into the drug habit. 在坏伙伴的诱使下,杰克染上了吸毒癖。
- How did she get into the modelling racket? 她是怎样当上模特儿的?
- Even Lotus has gotten into the act, moving beyond its Domino strategy with QuickPlace 2.0, its teamware offering. 甚至lotus公司也加入进来,在其Domino战略之外推出了组件产品QuickPlace 2.;0。
- The burglar got into the house through the bedroom window. 窃贼是从卧室的窗户潜入这所房子的。
- What I had not experienced was the folderol among the children and the way that even the schools had gotten into the act. 我没有经历过的是孩子们的胡闹,这甚至连学校也参与进去。
- At the start of June, Pluto will get into the act too, beaming rejuvenating, powerful energy to Venus and Mars at once because Venus and Mars are orbiting so very closely, shoulder-to-shoulder. 六月初,冥王星也会加入到一起(冥王拱两者),给予这俩肩并肩地的哥们加大力量,(这俩家伙太亲密仿佛影响效率)。
- I've got into the habit of switching on the TV as soon as I gethome. 我已养成一到家就打开电视机的习惯。