- This introductory text is displayed at the beginning of a goal area side pane. 此说明文本显示在目标区域侧窗格的开始部分。
- Court players isn't allowed to enter the goal area unless they are in the air to shoot the goal. 场上队员除非跳起腾空射门,否则是不允许进入球门区的。
- The default Project Guide behavior is to perform fairly simple goal area changes, based on the view type. Project Guide(项目向导)的默认行为是根据视图类型执行相对简单的目标区域更改。
- The URL element in the GoalArea definition points to the HTML page for the goal area. GoalArea定义中的URL元素指向目标区域的HTML页面。
- When Lack of Progress is called, any robots sitting behind the goal line will be moved forward out of the in goal area. 当过程中断出现时,所有在球门线后面的机器人必须前移离开进球区。
- When a user clicks a goal area in the Project Guide toolbar, the side pane displays a list of tasks for that goal area. 当用户在Project Guide(项目向导)工具栏中单击某一目标区域时,侧窗格将显示该目标区域的任务列表。
- These will be combined using the OR operator when deciding whether a particular view is relevant to a goal area or a Project Guide side pane. 在确定某特定视图是否与目标区域或Project Guide(项目向导)侧窗格关联时,将使用OR运算符合并这些子元素。
- However, the ViewChanges element does support more granular switching to a goal area or even to a specific side pane based on ViewScreen or ViewName. 但是,ViewChanges元素可以支持更加准确的操作,即根据ViewScreen或ViewName切换到目标区域,甚至切换到特定的侧窗格。
- "The goalkeeper may use his hands within the goal area, and other players may use their hands to throw in the Ball from the touchline. 守门员在球门禁区之内可以用手,其他队员可以用手掷边线球。
- The catchment area played a dominant role in determining surface runoff. 结果表明,汇水区面积对总产流起决定性作用。
- It's a rectangle,40 meters long and 20 meters wide,including two goal areas. 是个长40米、宽20米的矩形场地,有两个球门区。
- The goal-line referee is responsible for judging infringements of the rules in the goal area,for supervising penalties and corner throws and for watching the movements of the goalkeeper. 球门裁判员的职责是判断球门区的犯规,监督执行罚则和掷角球,并且观察守门员的动作。
- This sounded remarkably similar to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, with area playing the role of entropy. 这听起来非常类似热力学第二定律,由于区域扮演热力学熵的角色。
- The goal-line referee is responsible for judging infringements of the rules in the goal area, for supervising penalties and corner throws and for watching the movements of the goalkeeper. 球门裁判员的职责是判断球门区的犯规,监督执行罚则和掷角球,并且观察守门员的动作。
- My company established a special research and development centers for the study of the components and products to improve the performance of products such areas play an immeasurable role. 我公司设立了专门的研发中心,为研究产品的成份和改进产品的性等各方面有着不可估量的作用。
- While goal areas tend to have a broad category of relevant views, such as all task views, individual activities within a goal area may have more specific view requirements. 尽管目标区域的关联视图类别比较广泛(例如所有任务视图),但目标区域中的单个活动可以具有更加特定的视图要求。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- The slum area was sordid and filthy beyond belief. 该贫民区之污秽肮脏简直令人难以置信。
- He shouldered off a defender and shot at goal. 他用肩膀挡开防守队员後射门。
- The deep Eogene sandstone reservoir is an imporotant exploration target of Huimin Depression.Study of reservoir quality in this area plays a directive function on deployment of oil wells. 摘要古近系深层砂岩储层是目前惠民凹陷主要的勘探目的层,研究其储层特征及控制因素对凹陷内勘探井位的部署有着重要的指导意义。