- A typical globular cluster has about 1 million stars. 一个典型的球状星团包含1百万恒星。
- The stunning Omega Centauri globular cluster contains millions of stars. 令人惊讶的人马座欧米茄球状星团包含了数百万的恒星。
- Globular cluster is a group of tens of thousands to millions of stars bounded under gravity. 球状星团由上万至百万的恒星组成,在一个细小?围内由万有引力维系的集团。
- Explanation: M13 is modestly recognized as the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules. 说明: M13被认为是武仙座内的一个巨大的球状星团。
- If the neutron star is in a globular cluster, it will perform an erratic dance around the center of the cluster, picking up a companion star which it may later swap for another. 如果这个中子星处于球状星团中,它就会围绕星团中心作不规则的“舞蹈”运动,俘获一个“舞伴”(伴星),而且将来还可能更换它的伴侣。
- The metallicity distributions imply three probable epochs of globular cluster formation corresponding to three kinds of formation models. 球状星团金属度的分布表明球状星团可能有三个形成时期,分别与三类形成模型对应;
- One of the important surprises is that the size of a recently formed globular cluster appears to be unrelated to its mass. 一个最出人意表的发现是新形成的球状星团,其大小与其质量似乎无关。
- This stunning color image was made with the 3.6 meter CFHT telescope and spans about 100 light-years across the globular cluster M55. 这张美丽的彩色影像是直径为3.;6米的CFHT望远镜拍摄,影像中显示了M55球状星团大约100光年。
- Another time, at 350 power, I saw globular cluster M15 resolved clear across the core, each star visible as a tiny sparkle of light. 另一次,在350倍下,球状星团M15一直被解析到核心,每一颗亮晶晶的小星星都历历在目。)
- As on a crowded dance floor, the congestion in a globular cluster can cause the neutron star to move closer to its companion, or to swap partners to form an even tighter pair. 如同在一个拥挤的舞厅里一样,球状星团里的壅塞局面会让中子星和它的伴星靠得更近,或者彼此交换舞伴,结合成更牢固的组合。
- Explanation: Globular clusters once ruled the Milky Way. 说明:球状星团曾经统治着银河系。
- For this purpose the study of globular clusters is most instructive. 在这个问题上球状星团的研究最富有指导意义。
- Caption:: Located in the constellation Herculues, M13 is the largest and brightest globular cluster in the northern sky, third in the whole sky, after the Omega Centaurus and 47 Tucanae. 位于武仙座的球状星团M13,是北天球最大最亮的球状星团,在全天排行第三,仅次于南天球的半人马座奥米加星团,杜鹃座47。
- A study of many globular clusters gives another important bit of information. 对许多球状星团进行研究之后,使我们得到一些重要信息。
- Caption:: Located in the constellation Herculues, M13 is the largest and brightest globular cluster in the northern sky, third in the whole sky, after the Omega Centaurus and47 Tucanae. 位于武仙座的球状星团M13,是北天球最大最亮的球状星团,在全天排行第三,仅次于南天球的半人马座奥米加星团,杜鹃座47。
- As a result, the differences between a globular cluster of a thirtysomething age and one of “senior citizen” age are subtle and hard to distinguish from the heavy-element effect described above. 如此一来,这些中生代球状星团与老年球状星团之间的细微差别,便无法使用上述的重元素效应来加以区分。
- There is no absolutely sharp cutoff distinguishing galaxies from globular clusters. 在星系和球状星团之间没有任何不可逾越的鸿沟。
- ONE WAY TO DEMONSTRATE a link would be to identify two populations of globular clusters in old elliptical galaxies. 要证明两者彼此相关,其中一个方式,就是在古老的椭圆星系中,同时辨识出这两类球状星团。
- Open clusters, also called galactic clusters, contain fewer and younger stars than globular clusters. 开放星团,也称为星系团,比球状星团的恒星还要少且年轻。
- Smaller groups of stars called globular clusters often surround spiral galaxies. 称作球状星团的小型恒星团体经常环绕在旋涡星系周围。