- In order to roll thin and wide strip of very high strength grades on the low powered arcelor sollac lor raine mill, a global optimisation of the rolling process has been carried out. 为了在阿塞洛Arcelor集团Sollac公司Lorraine厂低功率轧机上轧制高强度级别的薄规格宽带钢,提出了一个整体优化的轧制工艺。 轧机的局限条件涉及精轧机的功率、粗轧机的道次数和为获得极低卷曲温度所需的轧后冷却能力。
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- David's house is quite close to the Global Theater. 大卫的家离环球剧院很近。
- All the countries united to fight global recession. 所有的国家团结一致对抗全球性的不景气。
- New product development and optimisation. 开发和优化新产品。
- Mould set-up improvement and optimisation. 架模的改进及改良。
- Search engine optimisation is a form of marketing. 像所有的行业一样,我们也需要赚钱。
- Develop new software for ray tracing and beamline optimisation. 开发用于射线跟踪和光束优化的新软件。
- One of the cardinal sins in programming is premature optimisation. 应用程序开发的一个重要方面就是代码的维护,但也却是被更快的产品上市要求所忽略。
- Let's brainstorm about how to solve global warming. 让我们献计献策看怎样解决全球变暖问题。
- The optimisation problem described here is particularly difficult. 被描述的优化问题这里是特别困难的。
- Global agrochemical sales to grow? 全球农用化学品销售会上升吗?
- Global leader needs to be high on CQ! 全球性的领导必须有高‘文商’!
- I got obsessed with an idea I called Global Motors. 我老是盘算着搞一个自己的环球汽车公司。
- Stocks dive on belief global recession is at hand. 市场信心跳水,全球经济衰退在眼前.
- We were thus the key to global security. 因此我们是全球安全的关键。
- Air pollution is a global problem. 空气污染是全球性的问题。
- Environmental protection has been a global concern. 环保已经成为全球性问题。
- The global Y2K team delivered a successful outcome. 国际千年虫问题工作小组战果骄人。
- We are all affected by global integration. 每一处地方也受到全球经济一体化的影响。