- glazed tile production line 琉璃瓦生产线
- The Possibility of replacement of feldspa and quartz by feldspa-quartzose stone was studied in glazed tile production. 在釉面砖生产中研究了用长石石英岩替代长石和石英的可能性。
- An Improved Once-firing Technology in Glazed Tile Production 浅谈釉面砖一次烧成技改
- Dafang nami ceramic tile production line project 大方县纳米瓷砖生产线
- Control pollution of hydraulic oil in hydraulic system of brick and tile production line 控制砖瓦生产线液压系统液压油的污染
- He works on the production line. 他在生产流水线上干活。
- Ceramic products includes polished tile,glaze tile,etc. 我司加工销售的陶瓷产品主要有:抛光砖,釉面砖等。
- floor tile production line 地板砖生产线
- Cars are checked as they come off the production line. 汽车经装配线组装完毕後即进行校验。
- The matching product of exterior wall beading elastic emulsion paint is a decorative water paint which is suitable for retrofit of old glazed tile and mosaic tile and for new or old cement wall. 外墙滚花弹性涂料配套是一种适合于用在旧面砖、锦砖外墙维护翻新和一般新旧水泥墙面装饰的水性涂料。
- The pagoda built of glazed tiles in Huishan Temple. 会善寺硫璃塔。
- The production lines were phased in last year. 这些生产线,是去年逐渐引进的。
- Are covered with yellow glazed tiles. 贴的都是黄色的琉璃砖。
- In the midst of a patch of deep, shady green, they caught sight of a glazed tile roof shining golden in the sunlight. 在一片浓郁的绿荫上头,他们看见一个金灿灿的琉璃庙顶在阳光中闪耀。
- Is the production line fully automatic? 生产线是全自动的吗?
- Gablezhao bi tempera paint, colorful glazed tile, the gatehouse of the old, the whole buildingjing ya harmony. 山墙照壁油漆彩画,琉璃瓦色彩斑烂,门楼古色古香,整个建筑和谐静雅。
- We is exhibit several addition to our product line. 我们正在展览生产线上增加的几种新产品。
- Every tower canopies are of uniform green glazed tile, hanging Yanjiao Campanula, ringtones Liaoliang pleasant. 每层塔檐均用绿色琉璃瓦铺盖,檐角悬挂着风铃,铃声嘹亮悦耳。
- Nanping Yamashita gold flashes a little bit, which is net of the glazed tile was Temple. 南屏山下闪烁着点点金色,这是净获寺的琉璃瓦。
- Production line work has often been observed on. 流水作业是人们时常谈论到的。