- It was merely a question of "good form," the conceit of a superior breeding, the duty not to give oneself away. 这不过是“高尚体统”的问题,一种优越教养的自负,尽到不使自己感情流露的责任而已。
- It was merely a question of "good form," the conceit of a superior breeding, the duty not to give oneself away . 这不过是“高尚体统”的问题,一种优越教养的自负,尽到不使自己感情流露的责任而已。
- selfbetrayal; self-betrayal; give oneself away; self-exposure 自我暴露
- Self for saking;throw oneself away;give oneself up to vice;abandon oneself to despair 自暴自弃
- give oneself away v. 泄露;露马脚
- None but oneself give oneself power! 只有自己给自己力量!
- One should give oneself plenty of time to pack. 人们应给自己足够时间来收拾行装。
- It's important to give oneself time to think. 给自己一些时间思考是很重要的。
- To not give oneself to overconfidence and arrogance as well as to shy away from lack of pride and over humbleness. 过多的计划,就象是高效的杀手,会极大程度上导致时机的延迟。
- In respect of love, career whether give oneself overmuch chance? 在爱情、事业方面能否给自己过多的机会?
- Do not use to give oneself more recollections sedulously so-called. 不要用所谓的刻意来给自己更多的回忆。
- Therefore, asks each schoolmates all to give oneself settles a goal. 所以,请每一个同学都给自己定下一个目标吧。
- Be backward and have no urge to make progress; be resigned to one's backwardness; give oneself up as hopeless. 泛指自己甘心堕落,不求上进。
- Relax the pressure of spirit. Give oneself a lift. Warm up and increase confidence. 温暖镇静,提神放松,解除焦虑,缓解精神压力,助乐观,增信心,愉悦心绪。
- If don't give oneself establish a limit, then life in do not limit the barrier that you develop. 若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。
- Can be those who give oneself had discharged essence of life check if is hospital exsanguinate checked on? 上医院抽血检查的话能检查出自己排过精的么?
- Hereafter still need to see<华 clouds and mist in the city>of.Now comes to segmentof the video frequency give oneself. 以后还要看的.;现在来段的视频给自己吧
- I follow her extortionate the money that come, gave oneself true girlfriend. 我跟她敲诈得来的钱,都给了自己真正的女朋友。”
- Absent oneself from: to keep oneself away from 中文意思:缺席
- It took20 years to develop the production style and give oneself to the raw material, cashmere yarn and all kinds of blended yarn and sweaters. 公司投资1500万美圆在上海和清河建有原料分梳厂,纺纱厂和织衫厂。