- gingival necrosis 牙龈坏死
- To undergo or cause to undergo necrosis. 坏死引起坏的和使发生坏死
- Note appearance of pontic at gingival margin. 注意:出现在牙龈缘桥。
- Of the vessels, leading to rupture and necrosis. 破裂和坏死。
- No hepatocyte necrosis was found in groups B and C. B、C组再灌注后均无肝细胞坏死。
- Renal biopsy revealed acute tubular necrosis. 肾活检 3例均为急性肾小管坏死。
- Thyroxin T3,T4.(5)Tumor necrosis factor(TNF). 甲状腺素T3、T4; (5)肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)。
- Microscopically, fat necrosis is seen here. 镜下:脂肪坏死。
- This is an example of coagulative necrosis. 本图为凝固性坏死。
- Death or decay of one part of a living body; gangrene or necrosis. 坏疽一个活的生物体的某一部位的坏死或毁灭;坏疽或枯斑
- Areas of necrosis and cavitation may occur within the tumor. 肿瘤内可以有坏死和成腔区。
- Massive cortical necrosis can result in permanent anuria. 广泛的皮质坏死能造成永久性无尿。
- Conclusion Verapamil inhibits migration of gingival fibroblasts. 结论维拉帕米抑制牙龈成纤维细胞的迁移。
- Apoptosis or Necrosis, Should Which be Expected for Tumor Cells? 期望肿瘤细胞凋亡还是坏死?
- Gangrenous necrosis involves the tissues of a body part. 坏疽使机体局部组织坏死,炎症可以扩散到从趾到皮下软组织(肪、缔组织)骨。
- Death or decay of one part of a living body;gangrene or necrosis. 坏疽一个活的生物体的某一部位的坏死或毁灭;坏疽或枯斑
- Acute appendicitis is marked by mucosal inflammation and necrosis. 显微镜下可见急性阑尾炎的黏膜炎症和坏死。
- Result: 26 flaps survived except distal edge necrosis in 2 cases. 结果:26例皮瓣除2例远端部分皮缘坏死,余均全部成活。
- Areas of necrosis, hemorrhage, and cyst formation can be seen. 能够看到坏死、出血、囊性变的区域。
- Cysts, hemorrhage,necrosis and calcification are commonly present. 常常能见到囊腔、出血、坏死和钙化(这里主要指肾细胞癌)。