- Perhaps I'm not getting the right food,or I've been run in the sun too long or my heart is getting old and weak. 或许我没有获得想要的食物,或许我已经很久没有在温暖的阳光下奔跑,又或许我的心脏已经变得苍老和衰弱。
- Before you scold me for being uncooperative,please ask yourself if something might be bothering me.Perhaps I'm not getting the right food,or my heart is getting old and weak. 当你因为责骂我的不合作、固执或懒惰之前,请你想想,是否有什麽正困扰者我.;或许我没获得我应有的食物,我已经很久没在温暖的阳光下奔跑,又或者我的心脏已经太弱及太老。
- As muscles get older and weaker, the mitchondria inside their cells show increasing evidence of dysfunction. 当肌肉变的胶老和较弱时,这些细胞中的线粒将显示越来越多的功能不良现象。
- It is difficult for him to rally from the illness as be is old and weak. 因他年迈体弱,所以难以从病中恢复过来。
- My son ,if someday you are aware that l am getting older and weaker . 我的儿子,哪天你看到我日渐老去,身体渐渐不行。
- The man is getting old and his joints stiff. 那个人老了,关节不灵活了。
- The man is getting old and his joints. 这个人渐渐老了,关节也硬化了。
- He's getting old and failing rapidly. 他变老了,身体也很快地衰退下来。
- The man is getting old and his joints are stiff. 老人年纪大了,关节也硬化了。
- The other house got old and shabby, and that cut into the value. 周围的房子都破旧不堪, 这使得他房子的价值降低了。
- Grandma's getting old and finding it harder to move about. 奶奶年纪大了,行动不便。
- Her mother grows older and weaker year by year. 她母亲一年一年地衰老了,身体也变得越来越弱。
- The other houses got old and shabby,and that cut into the value of his house. 由于其他房屋破旧失修,这使他房屋的价值受到影响。
- Question: "Why does he grow thinner and paler whereas everyone else get old and fat? 问:“为什么别人都变老发福唯独他反而越来越苍白消瘦?”
- As she got older and older,her relatives all died off. 她到年老时,她的亲属都先后离开了人世。
- I just want to help them out. They are getting older and you know. 我只是要帮他们嘛!他们年纪愈来愈大,而且你知道。
- As she got older and older, her relatives all died off. 她到年老时,她的亲属都先后离开了人世。
- Her father was old and stunned, her sisters ill, Melanie frail and weak, the children helpless, and the negroes looking up to her with childlike faith, clinging to her skirts, knowing that Ellen's daughter would be the refuge Ellen had always been. 她父亲已经衰老痴呆,她的两个妹妹在生病,媚兰软弱无能,孩子们孤苦无依,几个黑人都怀着天真的信念仰望着她,倚靠着她,满以为爱伦的女儿一如爱伦本人那样成为他们的庇护所呢。
- Malcolm David Kelley will be getting older and taller. 马科姆大卫凯莱将会更年长和高。
- Before reproving me that I am indocile, obstinate and lazy, ask yourself first, whether you give me enough food, whether you leave me in the sunshine long enough, or whether I am old and weak. 在斥责我野蛮,顽固,懒惰时,请先问问你自己,你是否给我足够的食物,让我在阳光下呆得够长,或者我已经衰老虚弱了。