- Selection of Papers by Liu Xingcai on Ptroleum Geological Exploration II. 刘兴材石油地质勘探论文报告选集2。
- Free silica in geological exploration dust is measured by both Xray diffraction and pyrophosphoric acid methods. 对粉尘中游离二氧化硅含量进行了X线衍射法和焦磷酸消化法的对比测定。
- GPR has been widely used in geological exploration at shallow depth with good results. 摘要地质雷达(GPR)探测技术在浅层地质勘探领域广泛应用,并取得较好的应用效果。
- Class B: remote sensing geology exploration. 乙级:遥感地质勘查。
- The landslide caused by dilative soil is a geological havoc in enginering geological exploration. 膨胀岩(土)病害是一种特殊的工程地质现象。
- Geological exploration of Western China is still inadequate,but further investigation and survey have proved huge potentials for discovering new mines. 西部地区地质勘查工作程度较低,通过进一步调查评价和勘查,发现新矿产地的潜力巨大。
- Gravimeter and Magnetometer as the main geo-physical instrument play an important role in geological exploration and national defence. 重力仪和磁力仪作为重要的物探仪器在地质勘探、地质灾害监测和国防建设中具有举足轻重的作用。
- After the geological exploration units' strypped-down, stockholders seek not only anteocular repay, but also long term investment repay. 股东在考核公司的年度经营目标的同时也要考核和评价公司发展目标的策划及实施方案。
- Already formed now include mine, smelt, geological exploration, design to consider to wait for whole cupreous industry to produce construction system. 现已形成包括矿山、冶炼、地质勘探、设计研究等完整的铜工业生产建设体系。
- Put forward some kernels in coal geological exploration unit development strat egy drawing up,also pondering over strategic tasks of the industry. 并对煤炭地质单位战略任务进行了思考。
- Class B: areal geology survey; remote sensing geology exploration. 2901524乙级:区域地质调查;遥感地质勘查。
- High-resolution third-pole sectional sounding and its application in engineering geological exploration are depicted in the text. 介绍了高分辨率三极断面测深技术及其在工程地质勘察中的应用。
- The petroleum geological exploration and research in the southern Junggar Basin has been focused mainly on the Permian and Jurassic petroleum systems. 准噶尔盆地南缘地区的油气勘探与石油地质研究长期以来以二叠系和侏罗系含油气系统为主。
- Due to the features of low cost, high efficiency etc, the high density resistivity method is widely used in engineering geological exploration. 摘要高密度电阻率法勘探以其生产成本低,工作效率高等特点,在工程地质勘察中得到了广泛的应用。
- Correlating coal seams by use of total sulphur content and apparent resistivity is two effective ways in coal geological exploration. 利用煤质指标中原煤全硫含量和视电阻率进行煤层对比,在煤田地质勘探中是两种行之有效的方法。
- Based on coal geological exploration data,studied and analyzed CBM resources,hosting features and distributing pattern in Wangjiaba minefield. 利用煤田地质勘探资料,对王家坝井田煤层气的赋存量和赋存特征以及展布规律作了进一步的分析和研究。
- Sun Daguang, former minister of National Geological Ministry, issued an order of commendation to SiWu for its significant contribution in geological exploration. 为表彰第四物探大队在地质找矿工作中做出的重大贡献,原国家地质部部长孙大光签发嘉奖令。
- Geological exploration of Western China is still inadequate, but further investigation and survey have proved huge potentials for discovering new mines. 西部地区地质勘查工作程度较低,通过进一步调查评价和勘查,发现新矿产地的潜力巨大。
- As an operational geological exploration enterprise,engineering project is the source of enterprise operating benefit,while project cost control is key link of benefit growth. 作为施工类的地勘企业,工程项目是企业经营效益的源头,项目成本的控制是效益增长的中心环节。