- How can you tell it is genuine or fake? 您怎么知道真假?
- cannot tell whether it is genuine or fake 看不出真假
- Coinciding with fact or reality; genuine or real. 真实的,非幻觉的与事实或现实相符合的;真正的或真实的
- Is that painting genuine or imitated? 那幅画是原作还是复制品?
- Article 39. Sellers are not allowed to adulterate the products for sale or pose fake ones as genuine or shoddy ones as good or sub-standard ones as standard. 第三十九条销售者销售产品,不得掺杂、掺假,不得以假充真、以次充好,不得以不合格产品冒充合格产品。
- Thus,please do not plagiarize my style or fake my username. 因此,请不要模仿我的风格或者假冒我的用户名。
- Some spyware/virus programs only do half or fake removal. 一些间谍软件/病毒程序只做了一半或者假装删除。
- genuine or fake 真伪
- One key to the case is whether the letter is real or fake. 我们这个案子关键的一个链环就是这封信的真伪。
- Li Ling's Letter in Reply to Su Wu": Genuine or Counterfeit? 李陵《答苏武书》的真伪?
- Was his present instinct genuine or the product of a heightened nervousness? 他目前的本能是真实的,还是高度紧张的结果?
- I've been in this business so long I can tell at a glance whether an object d'art is genuine or a clever imitation. 我做这个生意都这么长时间了,我一眼就能看出一件艺术品是真货还是赝品。
- As I went in ,there was a scalper selling tickets for 5$.I could not tell if it was real or fake, so maybe it was real. 当我们进去的时候,有黄牛在卖票,才5美元一张。
- If your desire is not genuine or not so very keen, you will stay in the old rut. 你不是真正想要、十分想要,你就还是按老章程办事。
- "For the past six years my life has been my family and Chelsea football club. Some players can say that and it sounds cliched or fake. “在过去6年里,我的生活是家庭和切尔西。其他球员也可以这样说,不过听起来像陈腔滥调或辉谎言。”
- There's no proof about the provenance of the painting(= whether it is genuine or not). 这幅画的真伪无法鉴别。
- Last_PSMM_Cause - Always ZERO because only PSMMs which are NOT processed (Case “B”) or “fake PSMMs” (Case “A”) are written into these fields. 始终是0,因为只有那些没被处理(例“B”)或者“假的PSMM”(例“A”)写进了这些字段。
- It is possible to do terrible thingsto faceless foes.Ultimately,laudably, Mr Eastwood's films attack anonymity, whether invisible enemy or fake heroes. 影片中下场悲惨的都是无名的敌人,而在伊斯特伍德的这部电影中,无论是看得见的敌人还是伪冒的英雄,都不再“隐姓埋名”,这不禁让人拍手称快。
- Not genuine or authentic. 不真的,不可靠的
- Science is truth, for it is most particular about practicality. Any disguised or fake things will show their true features when they are put to the test in the laboratory. 科学就是真理,因为它最讲实际。任何乔装打扮、鱼目混珠的东西,在科学实验室里都会原形毕露。