- G M is so big and powerful that it can withstand a disaster or two. 通用公司是个大公司,实力雄厚,一两次灾难还能顶得
- M model CAN'T do what A/S/P mode, each mode is different from each other. 系咪就系因为a同s可以对环境变化作出比较快既反应,容易捕捉精彩既一刻呢?
- Goodwin G M Application of Strain analysis on sheet metal forming problems in the press shop[SAE Paper,No.680093. 戴昆.;何祝斌
- Weinstein M J,Luedemann G M,Wagman G H.Antibiotic 66 -40:USA,3907771[P].1975 -09 -23. 张星;阮奇;黄诗煌;等.;大孔弱酸树脂提取西索米星的研究[J]
- R S A Y ?0 1 ?0 X ?K ?Y U .?A G M ..?L N ..G ?I G M .?N G ..?Y Y M ..N S I E G .?I T .. 本站免费电影;提供最新的免费电影在线观看;所有免费电影地址收集于网络;仅做宽带测试.;相关版权归原著作权人所有
- SAIFUDDIN G M D,TAREEQ E P,PARVEEN R.Robust face detection using genetic algorithm[J]. 许江宁;马恒;卞鸿巍;等.;基于遗传算法的航向测量误差分析[J]
- A G M also has its own spirit of enterprise, which is the core to guide the development and the improvement of A G M. 聚贵苑同样也有自己的企业精神,这是指导聚贵苑发展和完善的核心所在。
- A G M has its own matchmaking team and many outstanding talents, and also has a Master mind Group of experts. 聚贵苑目前已拥有自己的猎婚团队、各领域的优秀人士和专业人员,同时也拥有一个专家组成的智囊团。
- In order to dis-tinguish tool breakage in milling process a stochastic M Model is established, the parameters of whichare estimated by LMS method. 建立了铣削过程的随机自回归模型,将自回归算法应用到刀具破损监测中,并介绍了用最小均方算法对自回归模型进行参数估计的方法;
- Cheng G M,Zeng P,Qiu X Y,et al.Study on ultrasonic vibration antifriction phenomenon[J].Piezoelectrics and Acoustooptics,1998,20 (5):322-325. [5]程光明;曾平;邱晓阳;等.;超声振动减摩现象的研究[J]
- Chapter 3 introduce ARCH model originated by Engle,GARCH model,GARCH- M model and asymmetric ARCH model involves TARCH and EARCH. 第三部分介绍了Engle的ARCH模型及以其为基础发展而来的GARCH模型,GARCH-M模型以及非对称的TARCH和EARCH模型。
- In the sine excitation linear prediction (SELP) vocoder, the DCT M model improves the naturalness of the reconstructed speech, having subjective tests of 65 %. 将其应用在正弦激励线性预测(SELP)声码器中进行测试,结果表明,它能够改善重建语音的自然度,主观测试结果达65%25。
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- This paper introduced a new method to mahcine plate cam. The method is simple and flexible. We can use this method to generate G code to mac hine cam. 本文提出了一种针对盘形凸轮转动时加工其轮廓曲线的计算方法。该算法简单、灵活。通过它可生成普通的G代码程序,实现凸轮加工。
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- Hindustan Latex, the largest marketer and manufacturer of condoms and maker of the sexy condom wrappers, spoke with solicitor general G. 印度橡胶,最大的避孕套经销商和生产商,性感避孕套的包装商,和副总检察长G.
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- Rasheed A , Laekeman G M , Vlietinck A J.Pharmacological influence of nutmeg and nutmeg constituents on rabbit platelet function [ J ] .Planta Med , l984 , 50(3) : 222227. 谢小梅,陈姿文,陈和力,等.;花椒、肉豆蔻防霉作用实验研究[J]