- Intangibles are subject to multiple taxation under the general property tax. 无形资产可能有多个纳税地点。
- Click the Code Generation property page. 单击“代码生成”属性页。
- In the next article, we will discuss about Torrens land registration system and general property law. 下一篇文章我们将讨论纽西兰的地产法和房契注册制度。
- To turn List Members off by default, clear Auto list members from the General property page for the desired language. 若要默认关闭“列出成员”选项,请从所需语言的“常规”属性页中清除“自动列出成员”。
- For more information, see the Project Defaults section in General Property Page (Project). 有关更多信息,请参见常规属性页(项目)中的“项目默认设置”一节。
- Adoption of the CRCC process improves the general property of strips and reduces the production cost. 通过控轧控冷工艺提高了带钢综合性能,节约了生产成本。
- Property page with scroll bar Oh .. the general property page without scrolling. 带滚动条属性页哦.
- The resin synthetic process is introduced.The ketone resin has a better general property,with wide prospect of applications. 本文介绍了合成的工艺条件,这种树脂具有较好的综合性能,具有较广的应用前景。
- Therefore, the principle of against monopolization law should be adaptable to the general property right, simultaneously it should be consistent with the field of intellectual property right. 为此,应使反垄断法的原则在适用于一般对产权的同时,也适用于知识产权领域。
- The suretyship is a form of guaranty, in which the performance of a contract (principal obligation) is guaranted by entering into a suretyship contract on the surety's general property. 摘要保证是以保证人的一般财产而设定的、用一个合同去担保另一个合同(主债务)的展行之担保方式,有一定的独立性。
- It is the common practice that insurers adopt the rateable method to embody the fair principle of all the parties concerned when overlapping insurance occurred in general property policies. 在财产保险实务中如果出现重复保险,保险人通常采用比例分摊的方式来体现保险合同各方的公平原则。
- The suretyship is a form of guaranty, in which the performance of a contract (principal obligation) is guaranteed by entering into a suretyship contract on the surety's general property. 摘要保证是以保证人的一般财产而设定的、用一个合同去担保另一个合同(主债务)的履行之担保方式,有一定的独立性。
- Click OK to save your changes and return to the General properties page of the base report. 单击“确定”可以保存更改并返回基础报表的“常规”属性页。
- These properties are not exclusive to teratology;rather they are general properties of all developmental systems. 这些特性并不仅限于畸形学的范围,相反,他们是所有可持续发展系统[8]的普遍性质。”
- For example, in a Win32 project on the compiler's Code Generation property page, the property Enable String Pooling is initially set to No (not bold). 例如,在Win32项目中,在编译器的“代码生成”属性页上,“启用字符串池”属性最初设置为“否”(不以粗体显示)。
- Properties on the Web Part include custom properties that are specific to Report Viewer and general properties that you can set for any Web Part. Web部件的属性包括特定于报表查看器的自定义属性以及可以为任何Web部件设置的常规属性。
- Base class providing generic properties for various kinds of drawing objects. 为各种绘图对象提供一般属性的基类。
- Base class providing generic properties for various kinds of graphic objects. 为各种图形对象提供一般属性的基类。
- Base class providing generic properties for various kinds of report objects. 为各种报表对象提供一般属性的基类。
- The General properties panel lists all the servers in the core group and classifies them as either Core group servers or Static group servers. General properties面板列出了核心组中的所有服务器,并将其分类为Core group servers或是Static group servers。