- Automorphism group of a linear code is obtained with the help of the general linear group constructed by all invertible matrices, and it is illustrated by matrices generalized inverses. 给出了通过求解可逆矩阵构成的一般线性群,获得线性码的自同构群的方法,并利用矩阵广义逆理论,对线性码的自同构群进行进一步刻划。
- Orders of periodic elements of general linear group over any field 任意域上一般线性群周期元素的阶
- An Investigation on the Parabolic Subgroups of the General Linear Groups by Using GAP 利用GAP研究一般线性群的抛物子群
- Homomorphisms from General Linear Groups over the Field of Two Elements to Linear Groups over any Field 二元域上一般线性群到任意域上一般线性群的同态
- Homomorphisms from Orthogonal Groups to General Linear Groups over the Real Numher Field 实数域上从正交群到一般线性群的同态
- The commutators of transvections for the general linear group over a commutative ring with one 交换环上线性群的平延换位子
- projective general linear group 一般射影线性群,射影一般线性群
- general linear group 一般线性群
- A simple algorithm for multi axes general linear interpolation is introduced. 提出了一种用于多坐标轴广义直线插补的简易算法。
- Huang Chengming, B-convergence properties of general linear methods, Numer. Math. J. Chinese Univ. (English Ser.), 5(1996), no.1, 13-19. 文立平,黄乘明,一族多步二阶导数方法的收缩性,计算数学;23(2001),265--270.
- The subjects to be covered include groups, vector spaces, linear transformations, symmetry groups, bilinear forms, and linear groups. 涵盖的主题包括群、向量空间、线性转换、对称群、双线性结构、线性群等。
- METHOD The data published in literatures was analyzed using general linear model(GLM). 方法 用一般线性模型 (GeneralLinearModel,GLM)分析文献报道的药物配伍试验数据。
- This has been proved experimentally in general linear xenon flashlamp pumped dye laser. 在普通直管氙灯泵浦的染料激光器中,实验上证实了这点。
- General linear programming has disadvantages of static, unadapted movement with objects and remarkable excursion. 因一般线性规划是静态的,不能适应研究对象系统的发展变化,解的漂移大。
- General linear programming has the disadvantages of static, unadapted movement with objects and remarkable excursion. 因一般线性规划是静态的,不能适应研究对象系统的发展变化,解的漂移大。
- Image registration based on piecewise linear group parameters An improved image registration method based on pseudoperspective model and comparametric function was presented. 提出了一种基于仿透视函数模型和相机响应参数模型共同作用下图像配准算法。
- Methods: According to the characters of the data, the general linear model was used to fit the BMD curve. 方法:根据研究资料的特点,采用一般线性模型,拟合我国女性腰椎骨密度的变化曲线。
- In this paper, we study the subalgebra structure of the general linear Lie algebras over commutative rings. 摘要本文研究了含幺可换环上一般线性李代数的子代数结构。
- In this paper, We will prove that two ranks projective special linear group PSL2(7) over finite field GF(7) and linear transformation group GL3(2) are isomorphism. 文章证明了投射特殊线性群PSL2(7)(定义在有限域GF(7)上)和线性变换群GL3(2)是同构的。
- After demonstrating the feasibility of using the dual algorithm for general linear programming to solve this model,we get an effective algorithm. 通过论证用一般线性规划的对偶算法求解本模型的可行性,使得该模型的求解问题迎刃而解。