- The brisk walk gave an edge to my appetite. 轻松的散步使我的食欲增加不少
- To give an edge to(a blade); sharpen. 给(刀刃)磨边;使锋利
- Exercise gives an edge to the appetite. 运动刺激食欲。
- "The facts, Bob, the facts!" Thomas cut in. There was an edge to his voice. "摆出事实来,鲍勃,提出事实来!"托马斯打断道,他有点生气了。
- That gives an edge to the traffickers, according to authorities, and so does the fact that the smugglers are better equipped than those trying to intercept them. 根据官方说法,居民让古柯碱贩子如虎添翼,事实上这些走私者的装备总是比企图拦截他们的官方来得好。
- Walk off an edge to safely drop, grab the edge, and hang. 走落边缘可安全落下,劳拉会自行攀住边缘并吊挂住。
- "The facts,Bob,the facts!" Thomas cut in. There was an edge to his voice. “摆出事实来,鲍勃,提出事实来!”托马斯打断道,他有点生气了。
- The drizzle had now become a downpour, and the wind had an edge to it. 濛濛的细雨现在也变成了倾盆直泻。风也有点刺骨。
- "The facts, Bob, the facts! " Thomas cut in. There was an edge to his voice. "摆出事实来,鲍勃,提出事实来!"托马斯打断道,他有点生气了。
- The whip-round is a long whip stitch overlying an edge to prevent raveling. 包缝针法为了防止散开而包着边儿缝的一种缝法。
- I gave an apple to each of the boys. 我给每个男孩一个苹果。
- gave an edge to vt. 加剧(使尖锐化;鼓舞;使兴奋)
- give an edge to vt. 加剧(使尖锐化;鼓舞;使兴奋)
- There was an edge to Wu Sun-fu's voice as he said this, and his eyes glinted coldly. 吴荪甫的话里有刺了,又冷冷地射了屠维岳一眼。
- Her speech gave an impetus to my ideas. 她的讲话激发了我的思绪。
- Board grow an edge to answer along fore-and-aft laid, nailhole place uses gesso dirt child smooth. 板的长边应沿纵向铺设,钉眼处用石膏腻子抹平。
- He is all on edge to have a look at it. 他急于想看一看那个东西。
- The singer gave an erratic performance. 演唱者未唱出水平。
- Comfortable sofa and sit mound can invite friends happy edge eats an edge to chat. And lounge wants than eat chair of the activity more province place. 舒适的沙发和坐墩能让朋友们快乐地边吃边聊。而且长沙发比活动的餐椅要更省地方。