- Gasification is really a simple process. 气化确实是一个简单的过程。
- Coal gas is produced by the gasification of coal. 煤气是由煤的气化作用得到的。
- Trial study of coal gasification under steam plasma conditions. 数字化期刊。煤的水蒸气等离子体气化初步研究。
- Laboratory Scale Experiment of Coal Gasification under Pressure. 加压气化小型试验。短句来源。
- Coal gasification is the chemical industry's main path. 煤气化是目前煤化工的主要路径。
- The char partial gasification and combustion is studied on the thermobalance. 在热天平上进行了煤焦部分气化、燃烧的实验研究。
- Improve liquid supercooling degree, so not vulnerable to the gasification. 提高液体过冷度,这样就不容易发生气化了。
- Gehlenite is the major constituent in the gasification residue of raw char. 原煤焦气化残渣中主要含钙铝黄长石。
- Experimental results also show that the char gasification is one origin of HCN. HCN在制焦温度高于燃烧温度的焦炭燃烧过程中析出,表明焦炭的气化反应是氢释放的一个来源。
- The possible relevance of the process to combustion, gasification and steam reforming will also be discussed. 本讲题也将探讨此过程与燃烧、气化和蒸汽重整可能存在的相关性。
- As no breakthrough has been made in coal gasification, the problem of air pollution and acid rain is likely to worsen. 由于人们在煤的气化作用方面没有取得突破,空气污染以及酸雨问题有可能恶化。
- Carbon-rich char or ash is produced from within the gasification chamber that is very similar to soot. 富含碳元素的炭或灰烬在气化室中生成,与烟灰类似。
- Reference on step conversion of coal gasification and carbocoal combustion is offered by the research on pyrolysis carbocoal. 热解半焦的研究为煤气化及半焦燃烧的分级转化技术提供了参考。
- An analysis and an inquiry are made of the design prob-lems exposed in the operation of the Texaco coal gasification units in China. 分析探讨了国内德士古煤气化装置在运行中暴露出的设计问题。
- Discussion on the superiority in development of lignite gasification in Dayan Coal Industry Corp. 大雁煤业公司发展褐煤气化的优势探讨。
- Study on microbial degradation of tar-wash wastewater and tar in biomass gasification by microorganisms. 微生物降解生物质气化洗焦废水和焦油的研究。
- The tar and char yield were low and decreased with the gasification temperature. 焦油和焦炭的产率较低并随气化温度的提高而降低。
- Discussion on Development Prospect of SCGP Coal Gasification Technology in Anyang Chemical Industry Co.Ltd. 壳牌公司SCGP煤气化技术在安化的应用前景探讨。
- The product of gasification is so-called synthesis gas, or syngas, which is composed mostly of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, undiluted with nitrogen. 这个气化过程的产物为合成气,成份主要是一氧化碳与氢,并不含氮。
- Lunan Ghemical Fertilizer Plant is the first enterprise inChina to import the Texaco coal-water slurry gasification technology. 兖矿鲁南化肥厂是我国第一家引进应用德士古水煤浆气化技术的企业。