- garboard strake 龙骨翼板
- The first range or strake of planks laid next to a ship's keel. 龙骨翼板靠近船的龙骨的第一排厚板或船侧板。
- The raw materials are strake struck over and over until they become loose. 该工艺从衣服、稻草、木头或者树皮制造成纸张。
- The prototype to be flown on May 10 has been modified with work done on its air-intakes, strake and vertical fins, besides modifications in the fuselage. 这架重新设计了机身进气道,边条和腹鳍的新型原型机将于5月10日正式试飞。
- The location of separation line and relative the strength and position of avortex shed from a strake are present here. 机翼表面上震波及高攻角涡漩流所产生之分离流形式及强度与位置结果亦可正确地计算及分析。
- At last, all technologies in this paper are proved practical and doable by an example of train wheel strake. 最后通过实例对所有策略和技术进行了验证,证明是实用、可行的。
- Some unusual control surfaces such as spoiler,clam-shell aileron,body-nose strake,movable wing-tip are investigated on two typical configurations. 在两种典型布局上研究了扰流板、开裂副翼、机头边条、活动和偏转翼梢及舵面的方向控制特性。
- Some measures improving the longitudinal and lateral stabilities of combat aircraft with strake wing configuration are discussed. 对边条机翼布局战斗机的纵、横向稳定性改进措施进行了研究。
- And to seal the strake quality is all better than the ones that preceded and hold, among them, the large and safe product cost is lower than the ones that preceded and hold. 且封边条质量都比冠盛的好,其中,硕泰的产品价格比冠盛的还要低。
- The valve is driven directly by a large strake multilayer piezoelectric stack, its displacement actuates the power cascade spool after amplification by a lever mechanism. 该阀采用大行程的压电叠堆作为驱动元件,经杠杆放大后的位移直接驱动功率级滑阀。
- Which when they had taken up, they used helps, undergirding the ship; and, fearing lest they should fall into the quicksands, strake sail, and so were driven. 既然把小船拉上来,就用缆索捆绑船底。又恐怕在赛耳底沙滩上搁了浅,就落下篷来,任船飘去。
- TE STRAKE in Holland (founded in 1947) is a system supplier that develops and manufactures complex mechatronic (mechanics, electronics, pneumatics) systems, machines and equipment in medium-sized series. Te Strake于1947年成立于荷兰,从事开发和生产复杂的机电系统(涉及机械、电子、气体力学等领域),机器和中型设备。
- A flow visualization investigation on leading edge breakdown is conducted in a wind tunnel to identify the effect of blowing on a strake wing model undergoing large amplitude pitching motions. 实验采用翼面吹气控制翼面非定常流动,通过烟流显示涡轨迹和涡破碎位置,用相锁照相技术记录空间流态。
- garboard (strake) 龙骨翼板
- the first range or strake of planks laid next to a ship's keel 龙骨翼板靠近船的龙骨的第一排厚板或船侧板
- Research on the Strake Wing Vortex Lift of Flighter at High Angle of Attack 战斗机边条翼大迎角涡升力研究
- garboard n. 龙骨翼板
- An Experimental Investigation on Properties of Strake Vortices Using Particle Image Velocimetry 用粒子图像测速法研究边条涡的性质
- Investigation on the Improvement of Stabilities of Combat Aircraft with Strake Wing Configuration 边条机翼布局战斗机稳定性改进研究