- gameto toky 配子单性生殖,雌雄单性生殖
- Toki Pona is a constructed language first published online in mid-2001. 在2001年夏天首次在网上[3]公布。
- The toki has a slender body, a long black beak, and beautiful feathers. 体型修长的朱鹭,有着黑色的长嘴、美丽的羽毛。
- Tsi, Z.H.,Chen S.C., &Kazui, M. 1997. Wild Orchids of China. Toky Japanese Horticulture Press. 傅立国,林祁等,1999,2000.;中国高等植物,第九卷,第三卷。青岛出版社,青岛。
- The general opinion would have it that the Ataka Collection is one totally given over to kansho toki. 从一般的观点来看,安宅的收藏品可能会被认为都属于鉴赏陶瓷。
- Her song "TOKI NO NAGARE NI MI WO MAKASE" sold over 5 million copies in the Japan market in 1986. 而这也造成了她直到生命最后一天,依然行动受限,没能为千千万万喜欢她的歌迷们献唱,这是歌迷和歌者的双方面损失。
- He tried clay from Seto, Tajimi, and Toki around Nagoya, as well as local Tochigi and Ibaragi. 从濑户、多治见、土岐等名古屋周围的土开始入手,本地枥木和茨城的土也拿来进行了试验。
- Yarikuri shiteru wake de toki ni wa narifuri kamawazu ikiyou to make do, without worrying about how it must look sometimes. 不管时间会变成什么样,我只是在想能够继续,保持这种情况。
- He says there has to be evidence for state of sustained community transmition transmission of the virus in a country , in a region outside the North America for face phase 6 chicken gameto kick in. 他表示要将警戒等级提高到最高的6级,还需在北美之外其他地区的某一国有持续病毒传播的证据。
- Sugisari shi hibi no namida toki ga yagate muishiki no naka tsuresaru no nara The tears of days gone by, if time finally takes them into my unconscious, 让昨日的泪水,一去再也不会复返,随着时间流淌,逐渐消逝在岁月往事中
- gameto phytic generation 配子体世代
- Migaku toki mo mata ahogao shite ie wo deru sonna hibi kurashite brushing your teeth, make a stupid face and get out of the house, spend those kinds of days 看一看镜子里面有点蠢蠢的容颜,然后就走出门去好好生活每一天
- Tokyüz 托克于兹
- Tokyürek 托克于雷克
- Tokić 托基奇
- Toki Zemmaro 土岐善麿(1885-1980),日本人,诗人。
- Toki n. 土歧(在日本;东经 137º12' 北纬 35º25')
- Štokić 什托基奇
- Tokič 托基奇
- Houma Ga Toki 仿魔之刻