- I gave the game away by laughing. 我一笑便泄漏了机密。
- Sadat boomed, all but giving the game away. 萨达特这么一说,实际上就把一切都和盘托出了。
- Put that game away and save it for a rainy day. 把那计划收起来并存着以防不时之需。
- They went too far and gave the game away. 他们做得太过分而把事情败露了。
- The bastard knew by now that he had given the game away. 到如今,那个坏蛋才知道他的秘密已经被泄露了。
- She shot me a look, worried that I might give the game away. 怕我说漏了,她赶紧给我使眼色。
- It was supposed to be a surprise but the children gave the game away. 本想给人一个意外,可孩子们把计划泄露了。
- On the game away with Shenhua, Tuba has to pay more attention to defense. 谈到客场与申花的比赛,图拔已经表示要更加重视防守。
- Don't try to keep it a secret any longer. You've already given the game away. 别再保密了,你的话已经露馅儿了。
- Heat are one game away from taking it all! I wish i could be at the games! 热火距离胜利只有一场之差!我多么希望我能参与其中!
- A draw would take both sides through to the knockout rounds even if PFC CSKA Mosvka, who start the evening two points behind, win their last game away to Hamburger SV. 即使目前2分落后于他们的对手莫斯科中央陆军俱乐部在客场取胜汉堡,一场平局就可以使他们一起进入淘汰赛阶段了。
- When I was nine years old my poor dad, the schoolteacher says, "Ah *put the game away. 我九岁时,当学校教师的穷爸爸对我说:“哦,不要玩游戏了。
- Duncan even got a pair of bank shots to drop Saturday. He put the game away by muscling inside for a layup and a foul. 邓肯在周六的比赛中甚至连续进球。他通过在内线进球和博得一次犯规而使比分拉开。
- The game away to Sparta is crucial for us, so we will arrive there with hope and willing to do well. 对斯巴达的客场比赛对我们来说是关键性的,因此我们会怀抱着希望前往那里,并且决心好好表现。”
- None of these recorded figures include the numbers who watch the game away from home in venues such as pubs and clubs, another significant audience. 这些统计数据中,不包含离开家去酒吧和夜总会看比赛的人数,这类球迷人数也相当大。
- Bryant missed a jumper, but Jordan Farmar corralled a long rebound and Bryant was fouled, putting the game away with a pair of free throws. 布莱恩特跳投不中,但是加索尔将篮板拨出来,乔丹-法玛尔抢到了这个长篮板,随后布莱恩特被犯规,两罚全中,比赛已经没有悬念。
- Aer Sha said: "This course of the game away team is really difficult, but I would like to say that we are not afraid of anything. 阿尔沙文表示:“这样球场比赛对客场球队的难度的确是有,但是我想说的是,我们不惧怕任何东西。”
- Vietnamese fishermen flying a Malaysian flag as a decoy while sailing in Malaysia's northeastern waters gave the game away by mistakenly flying it upside down. 悬挂马来西亚国旗作为伪装花招的越南渔民,在航行于大马东北部海域时,因错将旗帜挂颠倒而洩漏诡计。
- For example, if you are talking to your child, but he is too busy playing his Gameboy to listen, you may get angry enough to throw the game away to get your point across. 比如你正在跟孩子讲话,他却忙着玩他的游戏没空听,你就可能发怒去打断他玩游戏让他听你讲话。
- In every game they were bested by their opponents. 每一场比赛他们都被对方击败。