- The last chapter focuses on a class of optimization problems with fuzzy relation in-equality(FRI) constraints. 第四章的主要研究对象是一类具有模糊关系约束的优化问题,称为模糊关系约束优化(FRCO)。
- The method involves the construction of xx from fuzzy relations. 该方法涉及到从模糊关系构建xx。
- In this paper we extended the Warshall's algorithm for transitive closure of relation matrices to that of Fuzzy relation matrices. 通过对照关系的传递闭包和模糊关系的传递闭包,把求关系矩阵的传递闭包的算法完整地推广到模糊关系矩阵上。
- Fuzzy optimal controlarithmetic was designed for each module, and an improved BP neural network was introduced to implement the fuzzy relation. 对每个控制模块设计了相应的模糊优化控制算法,并用改进的BP神经网络实现算法的模糊关系。
- The mathematics model of bid documents evaluation problem based Fuzzy Integrated Evaluation and the Fuzzy Relation Synthetic is presented in details. 给出了基于模糊综合评判的标书选择问题的数学模型,以及模糊关系合成运算的具体算法。
- This thesis gives a theoretical fuzzy RDBMS model, which employs fuzzy set to express the fuzzy data, fuzzy query and fuzzy relation. 如何表达模糊数据,如何执行模糊查询越来越成为数据库研究的重要课题之一。
- Method is proposed to solve the MADM problem, where the decision maker gives his preference on alternatives in a fuzzy relation. 摘要针对决策者对方案有模糊偏好信息的多属性决策问题,提出一种新的方法。
- This paper uses a fuzzy relation method to eliminate the nonuniform background illumination, and has a test about this method. 提出了一种基于模糊理论的图像增强方法,用来消除背景光照不均匀,并通过实验验证了该算法。
- A new fuzzy data-model method has been gaven after studying the fuzzy knowledge representation.This method describes fuzzy data with fuzzy relation of attribute weight. 研究了模糊知识的表示方法,提出了一种表示模糊知识的模糊数据模型,利用属性加权模糊值来表示模糊性数据。
- On inverse semi-groups, the fuzzy normal sub-semigroup and fuzzy quotient sub-semigroup are defined via some special fuzzy relation by using fuzzy congruence relation on set. 摘要利用集合上模糊同余关系,在逆半群上定义了模糊正规子半群和模糊商子半群,并研究了逆半群上由这几类模糊关系所定义的模糊同余关系的一些性质。
- K is Kuan Kung's war on quhuangdao chungul. However, the final two giants in the field of digital publishing is “ in ”, forming a strategic competitor fuzzy relation. 就好比关公战秦琼一般。然而,两巨头最终在数字出版领域上却“狭路相逢”,形成了一种战略竞争对手的模糊关系。
- This paper discussed the attribute reduction in rough set combined fuzzy relation theory,and then proposed a new attribute reduction algorithm and gave an illustrative example. 结合模糊关系的理论,对粗糙集理论的属性约简算法进行研究,提出了一个新的属性约简算法,并给出了一个应用实例。
- We apply tolerance approach and positive & negative ideal solution method to solve the third one where the fuzzy relation inequalities are fuzzy, i.e. there exists an acceptable tolerance. 第三种为模糊关系不等式为模糊的,即约束中有一个可接受的容差,采用容差法及正负理想法对其求解;
- By extending the crisp set X to the fuzzy set F, Dubois and Prade defined the notion of rough fuzzy sets (a special case of fuzzy rough sets), and fuzzy rough sets with respect to the fuzzy relation R. 通过将近似对象由经典集合X推广到模糊集合F,Dubois和Prade定义了粗糙模糊集的概念(模糊粗糙集的一个特殊情形),又引入模糊关系R得到模糊粗糙集的概念。
- A method to solve a fuzzy relational equation in a lattice [0 ,1]is given in the finite case. 在有限论域上给出了一种求解格[0;1]上Fuzzy关系方程的方法.
- On the basis of analysis of these factors, this paper establishes a model to deal with the fuzzy relation, and presents a new method sequential fuzzy sythetic evaluation (SFSE), which can... 在对这些困难进行分析的基础上,本文建立起了能够处理这种模糊关系的数学模型,提出了序列模糊综合评判方法,该方法可以根据给定井及区块的数据对井下套管状态进行预测,为套管寿命预测研究开辟了一种新的途径。
- This methodology contains extensions for representing the imprecision of data in fuzzy relational database. 这方法学包含引伸为代表数据不精确在模糊的关系数据库。
- This paper proposes the insulation detection of insulator strings based on the realizing process with a fuzzy logical reasoning method, especially the establishment of the fuzzy relation matrix. 实验结果表明,利用模糊推理方法实现输电线路绝缘子串在线检测是完全可行的,其操作的方便性和检测的准确性与现有方法相比具有较明显的优势。
- Long-Term MAS Coalition Based on Fuzzy Relation 基于模糊盟友关系的多主体系统长期联盟
- A public relation firm handle all our publicity. 一家公共关系公司负责处理我们的全部广告宣传工作。