- He is a futurist philosopher and neocon activist. 他是一名未来派哲学家,一名新保守主义激进分子。
- Such a nanobot will never become more than a futurist's daydream. 这种奈米机器人,永远只会出现在未来主义者的白日梦里。
- Futurist poetry is more of a transient phenomenon than literature. 未来派诗歌与其说是文学,不如说是昙花一现。
- New York is motivated not by futurism but by thieves. 促使它这么干的不是未来主义,而是小偷。
- Spread unchecked of futurism: the sculpture in the countryside factory. 未来主义的泛觞:中国乡镇企业雕塑。
- Art Movements - Dadaism - Expressionism - Fauvism - Fluxus - Futurism. 艺术运动-达达主义-表现主义-野兽派-激浪-未来。
- So will futurist adventures that evoke the splendor of the movie past. 激发昔日电影辉煌的未来冒险故事也一样能。
- This speeding up of life, says the Futurist, requires a new form of expression. 未来派诗人声称,这种加速的生活节奏需要一种新的表达形式。
- Art from the era of futurism can be identified by a combination of machine elements, cubism, and motion. 未来主义时期艺术的突出特点是机器法则、立方主义与运动机械的组合。
- Zany, gag-filled sci-fi spoof about a frozen man who has to adapt to a strange futurist world when he thaws out. 滑稽的、充满搞笑的科幻小说电影,描述一个冷冻的人醒来时必须适应陌生的未来社会。
- As a leader of futurism in Russian literature,he wrote forceful,declamatory verse praising the Communist revolution. 他是俄国文学未来派的主要代表人物,其铿锵有力的、慷慨激昂的诗篇赞颂了共产主义者的革命。
- First, it is the enlightening of Futurism, Dada and Surrealism that leads the art to the common life, which is the real threshold of contemporary Performance art. 首先,受到未来主义、达达主义、超现实主义三大先锋运动的启蒙作用;
- Futurism was the greatest Italian avantgarde and had a wide influence all over the world. 未来主义是意大利最伟大的先锋运动,并在全世界拥有广泛的影响。
- Today the Futurist cinema creates precisely that polyexpressive symphony” [from The Futurist Cinema Manifesto]. 今天,未来主义电影正奏响了这首多表现主义的交响曲。”
- This, though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, can hardly be classed as Literature. 这样,即使它满足了未来诗歌的规定和要求,它也很难被划分到文学的范畴。
- Futurism deeply influenced Shanghai's '20 and '30 aesthetics as it reached China through Japan and Russia. 未来主义最初通过日本和俄罗斯传入中国,并深深影响了上海20、30年代的审美情趣。
- Inspiration from avant-garde movements like Futurism and Op Art.Speed, dynamism, visual sense of velocity. 灵感来自先锋派,诸如未来主义和欧普艺术、视觉化的速度感。
- It was made up of many facts, such as symbolism, surrealism, cubism, expressionism, futurism etc. 达达主义超现实主义和各种反正统流派都是现代主义的表现形式。
- Superb graphics and impeccable technical production will get you hooked on this futurist racing game. 超级的图形和无懈可击的技术上的制造将会拿你在这场未来派画家竞赛游戏上被钩住。