- PFG is one of the largest non-clearing U.S. futures commission merchants, with brokerage and branch offices in more than 20 countries. 创办于1980年,经过近30年的发展,今天的百利已经是世界期货外汇等行业的领导者。
- MB Trading Futures, Inc. is registered with the CFTC and members of NFA as a Futures commission Merchant (FCM). 因为交易执行的延迟、经常性的平台失灵以及糟糕的客户服务,令活跃的交易员对传统在线经纪商心灰意冷。
- Harkin chairs, which includes a provision to increase capital requirements of Futures Commission Merchants (FCMs) registered for foreign currency trading. 最低资产要求从五百万美元增至贰千万美元。
- The client or the consigning futures commission merchant holds open positions in excess of the position limit prescribed by the clearing members. 客户;委托期货商持有未冲销部位数量逾本公司规定之额度.
- The client or the consigning futures commission merchant fails to pay required margins within the time limit prescribed by the clearing member. 客户;委托期货商未依本公司规定时限缴足所需保证金.
- The major market makers or dealers consist of the commercial and investment banks the exchange traded futures and registered futures commission merchants such as FX Solutions. 其间虽也有初入汇市小有斩获得时期,但几乎每个人都会遭遇迷茫期,自信丧失期,甚至有很多汇友就此止步,从此远离汇市。
- A person, commonly called a commodity broker, associated with and soliciting customers and orders for a futures commission merchant or introducing broker. 一般称为商品经纪人,他是联系和提供咨询给客户以及在期货商品市场委任商人或介绍经纪人。
- MF Global Inc ("MFGI") is a US registered futures commission merchant and a member of the NFA and is a US registered broker-dealer and a member of the CBOE, FINRA and SIPC. "Nord Group Investments Inc"金融投资集团与“Forex Capital Markets (FXCM)”公司以及“"MF Global Inc"”公司在全球范围内有广泛的金融业务合作。
- Study on the Legal System of Futures Commission Merchants 期货经纪商法律制度研究
- futures commission merchants 期货佣金商
- futures commission merchant 期货委托商店
- Are you an employee of a Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) licensee? 您是否香港证监会牌照持牌人之员工?
- I have the honour to inform you that I have just established myself in this town as a commission merchant. 我荣幸地告知您,我已在本市成为代销商。
- future commission merchant [经] 代理期货商人
- I have the honour to inform you that I have just established myself in this town as a commission merchant for Japanese goods. 我非常荣幸地通知您,我已在本市开了一家日本货批发代销店。
- TraHK has been authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong and has been listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. 盈富基金获香港证券及期货事务监察委员会认可,并于香港联合交易所上市。
- Similar progress has been made in the regulation of the equity market by the Securities and Futures Commission. 证券及期货事务监察委员会在证券市场监管方面也取得同样的进展。
- Is the Account Applicant a licensed / registered person with the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC)? 戶口申請人是否香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會(證監會)的持牌/註冊人士?
- Is the Account Applicant a licensed/registered person with the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission? 户口申请公司是否香港证券及期货事务监察委员会的持牌/注册人士?
- Is client a licensed corporation registered with the Securities and Futures Commission? 客户是否证券及期货事务监察委员会之持牌法团?