- To become prepared for future action or operation. 准备为将来的行为或运行而准备好
- And public commitments,even seemingly minor ones,direct future action. 而公开的承诺,即使看上去微不足道,也会指引今后的行动。
- And public commitments, even seemingly minor ones, direct future action. 而公开的承诺,即使看上去微不足道,也会指引今后的行动。
- We shall judge Jiang by his future actions. 我们将于蒋氏今后的行动表现中考察。
- We shall judge Chiang by his future actions. 我们将于蒋氏今后的行动表现中考察之。
- All languages express what is past, what is happening at the moment, and has ways to predict or plan future action. 所有语言都有表示过去的时态,正在发生的时态,都有预测和计划未来行动的方式。
- As far as I understand, UT Starcom, even if there are layoffs in the near future action, it is also far from a big 40%. 据初步了解,UT斯达康近期即便有裁员动作,但幅度也远没有40%25那么大。
- If we do not hear from you soon, I am afraid we shall be forced to considerpassing the matter over to our Legal Department for future action. 如果我们不能很快得到您的回复,恐怕我们将不得不考虑把此事交由本公司法律部处理。
- Zhong Shan, China's vice trade minister, said Beijing wasn't considering retaliating against India, but didn't rule out taking future action at the WTO. 中国商务部副部长钟山说,中国没有考虑对印度进行报复,但并不排除以后在WTO采取行动的可能。
- The facilitator will try to assist the group in achieving a consensus on any disagreements that preexist or emerge in the meeting so that it has a strong basis for future action. 因为 Tony Blair 可以说是一位四方会谈的 facilitator (这是 Tony Blair 的新工作),al Qaeda 的组织里也有 facilitator, 前者版主倾向于译作 "推手";
- Use Event Viewer to view and manage event logs; obtain information about hardware, software, and system problems that must be resolved; and identify trends that require future action. 使用事件查看器可查看和管理事件日志、获取有关必须解决的硬件、软件和系统问题的信息,并可识别需要执行进一步操作的趋势。
- Evaluate trade and consumer Reactions to launch against Pre-set objectives to plan future Actions. 针对预先设定的目标,评估零售渠道和消费者对上市的反应,进而计划未来的行动。
- An individuals future actions are not dependent upon a concrete finished past, for such a past never existed. 一个个人的未来行动并不依赖于一个具体的已完成的过去,因为这样的过去从未存在过。
- Our factory director hinged his action on future sales. 我们的厂长以将来销售量为他行动的准绳。
- Yet Mr Vickers frets that European courts may not exert enough discipline on the commission’s future actions in this area. 然而,威格斯先生担心欧洲法庭在该领域可能无法对委员会未来的行动实施足够的规定。
- Along with each principle, we offer question sets and analytic tools to help you determine your position and future actions. 单独每一个原理,我们提出问题配置和分析工具去帮助你决定你的位置和未来的行动。
- With regards to future actions, we are unrestricted in our ability to take decisions, given the strong institutional independence of the ECB. 谈到未来的行动,鉴于欧洲央行在制度上具有很强的独立性,我们在决策能力上不受限制。
- After you take responsibility for what you did and make amends, decide what you need to do to ensure that your future actions will be in harmony with your principles. 在你承担行为责任、给予补偿之后,要下决心采取必要的行动,以确保未来的行为能符合你的人生原则。
- Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome. 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊。
- The cod was salted away for future use. 鳕鱼已用盐腌起留着日后吃。