- Petaling Jaya) YBAM Announced a collection of RM900000 raised from the "Dharma Walk 2007" fund raising activity which ended on 31 May. 马佛青总会宣布,"2007年全国护法行"筹款活动于5月31日正式截止,筹获的款项将近90万令吉。
- .. and i was so depress... it has to many fund raising activities... i now quit the club already... thank you lemon 你咁care 我... 我e+ 心情好咗好多... 之前因为我要个school club president.
- Fund raising activity of the Adopt-a-green fish farm project 助养绿鱼儿鱼塘筹款活动
- The chairman poured cold water onto all our suggestions for fund raising. 董事长对我们筹集资金的所有建议都泼冷水。
- Economic analysis of moral risk in Chinese enterprise fund raising activity 我国企业筹资活动中道德风险的经济学分析
- fund raising activities 资金筹措活动
- Use concession as fund raising method. 特许经营被当作引资手段。
- Consultancy and advisory roles for internationalization, fund raising and IPO activities. 提供项目融资、企业国际化和海外上市等咨询顾问服务。
- Have you hear about our fund raising about it yet, ron. 你听说我们为年轻运动员集资的计划了吗?
- The fund raising event will be followed by a small party. 募捐活动后将会有个小型晚会。
- Have you heard about our fund raising for the young athelets? 你听说我们为年轻运动员集资的计划了吗?
- Such companies can be established by means of sponsoring or fund raising. 公司可采取发起方式或者募集方式设立。
- Any enquiries, please contact our Fund Raising Officer, Ms Stella Chu. 如有任何查询;欢迎赐电与筹款主任朱锦霞小姐联络.
- Promote the development of disability working groups in awareness raising activities. 促进发展的残疾工作组在提高认识的活动。
- A new ASTA/MAT fund raised about $800 million. 新的ASTA/MAT基金筹集了约8亿美元。
- Sabah DAP is organizing a fund raising event by public donation in Sabah. 沙巴民主行动党在沙巴州已进行一项为明福基金的公众筹款活动。
- Recent market strength may also lead to a surge in cash raising activities including IPO's and share placements and trigger some profit taking. 近期市场的行情走好也可能会引发大量融资活如ipo、配股等,导致获利套现。
- Serious measures will be taken to find out,punish and rectify illegal financial activities such as unauthorized fund raising and establishing financial institutions and conducting financial businesses without due approval. 严肃查处和纠正乱集资、乱批设金融机构和乱办金融业务等非法金融活动。
- A team from the Ministry of Health, WHO, and the Pasteur Institute are following up with close contacts of the girl and are conducting awareness raising activities in the area. 来自卫生部、世卫组织和巴斯德研究所的一个小组正在随访该女孩的密切接触者并在该地区开展提高认识活动。
- Serious measures will be taken to find out, punish and rectify illegal financial activities such as unauthorized fund raising and establishing financial institutions and conducting financial businesses without due approval. 严肃查处和纠正乱集资、乱批设金融机构和乱办金融业务等非法金融活动。