- function and cost rate 性价比
- In allusion to the problem of the quantification of the function and cost, the article give the primary resolution to the difficulty, and introduce simply the using of valu... 针对目前价值分析中功能成本量化方面存在的问题 ,给出了初步的解决方法 ,并简要介绍了价值分析在价值管理中的具体应用。
- Duration units and cost rates expressed in months are converted to days. 以月表示的期限单位和成本费率被转化成以天为单位。
- Aimed at time period control and cost control of international project, the common features, purpose, function and active control standards of international project are summarized in this paper. 摘要针对国际工程项目的工期进展控制和成本费用控制,简述了国际工程项目控制的共有特点、目的、作用和现行的控制标准;
- Good words are worth much and cost little. [谚]好话不花钱,一句值千金。
- Good fruit is scarce in winter and costs a lot. 好的水果冬天难得见到,而且价格昂贵。
- How do you use cost rate tables? 使用成本费率表的方法?
- TSF concludes three sub-functions: Client Satisfied Function, Staff Satisfied Function and Costs Minimized Function, the paper builds mathematic model for each sub-function and realizes them with three modified fuzzy-neuron networks. 综合满意函数包括顾客满意度函数、员工满意度函数和成本满意度函数三个子函数,本系统为每一个子函数构造了相应的数学模型,然后用复合型模糊神经网络逐个实现,最后将三个子函数值进行加权和得到该车辆的综合满意度函数值。
- More tax and cost burden add to HK people. 更多税收和政府成平加重港人负担.
- The Analysis of the Function and Cost and Benefit of Ads 广告的功能及费用效益分析
- Visually communicate function and behavior. 将功能与行为视觉化。
- Check, approve material and cost goes down entry. 审核、批准各项材料、费用的入库。
- Strengthen service function and so on. 强化服务功能等等。
- Estimate the time and cost of testing. 评估测试的时间和花费。
- The cost rate of product will rise while cost will reduce. 产品的成本率会上升,而生产成本则会降低。
- Proteins - Structure Function and Genetics. 蛋白质:结构、性能和遗传学。
- Kind words are worth much and cost little. 口头方便不费力。
- What is the function and aim of SPX Beijing Center? SPX北京中心的机能定位和成立宗旨是什麽?
- Select options for status and cost calculation. 选择状态和成本计算方式的选项。
- Function and position of this lesson. 地位和作用。