- We should be rational and never over-exaggerate the function of market. 对市场的作用不能过分夸大,应该有理性的认识。
- These days, there are some deep-seated problems on enforcing macro management of fisher industry and on developing regulation function of market. 目前,在加强渔船产业的宏观管理,规范和发挥市场调节功能方面出现了一些深层次的矛盾和问题。
- The function of market in future can better solve the problem.The function is price discovery, price risk hedging and efficiency improvement of market. 农产品期货市场能通过套期保值来转移商品价格风险,能发现合理的价格预期,从而稳定农产品的长期供求关系。
- Monopoly precludes competition, suffocates the vigor of economy, and it makes the allocation function of market system mechanism becomes failure. 垄断妨碍竞争,窒息经济活力,使市场机制配置资源的功能失灵。
- From the function of social intermediary organization,part of its function is accomplished by the service of market and part is accomplished by non-profitable organization. 从社会中介组织的作用来看,它的功能一部分是由市场中的专业服务组织完成的,另一部分的则是由非营利组织来完成的。
- The social-type government came into existence to cater to the development of market economy, changing fundamentally the function of economy-construction-type government. 服务型政府是适应市场经济的发展需要而产生的,它从根本上改变了经济建设型政府的职能。
- While the government malfunction can not only counterbalance market’s deficiency, but also will choke cluster function of market regularity brings into play. 而政府失灵的存在使得政府干预非但不能弥补市场不足,反而会扼制产业集群市场功能的正常发挥。
- The main function of market mechanism is the resource that makes a society finite, especially labor natural resources configures the branch with highest efficiency or domain. 市场机制的主要功能是使社会有限的资源,特别是劳动力资源配置到效率最高的部门或领域。
- Then, the government should scientifically make decisions, give a full display to the active function of market and establish an ecological view of ethics and living conventions. 其次政府要进行科学决策,发挥市场经济体制的积极作用,树立全民俭朴节约的生态伦理观与生活习俗观。
- How do you value the function of marketing in the management process? 你如何评价营销在管理过程中的作用?
- Interactive function of STB and market prospect? 机顶盒的互动功能及市场前景?
- Mr Smith takes care of marketing and publicity. 史密斯先生负责产品的销售与推广。
- Salt plays an important part in the function of the body. 盐在调节身体的机能方面扮演着重要的角色。
- Grain prices can provide insight into the functioning of markets. 谷物价格能够为研究市场运行提供洞见。
- Growth is a function of nutrition. 长身体是由营养决定的
- The office or function of a rabbi. 犹太法学博士的身份或职位
- We struck oil only after years of market research. 我们花了好几年功夫去作市场研究以后才大发利市。
- In the succession of "labor creates value",new labor value monism emphasizes the materialized works for creating the condition function of value and relation of assigning,thus promotes the completion and development of market economy. 新劳动价值一元论在继承劳动创造价值这一本原的基础上,强调物化劳动对于创造价值的条件作用及与分配的关系,从而推动了市场经济的完善与发展;
- Freedom presupposes market functioning and politically ensures functioning of market economy. 自由是市场运行的前提预设,是市场经济运行的政治保障。
- Moral Consequence of Market Failure? 完美市场不需要道德吗?