- Full Energy Peak Efficency 全能峰效率
- Gradually increase total hours while maintaining peak efficiency. 保持最高效率的同时逐渐增加工作总时间。
- Of course, if the opponents of the first full energy, you may suffer! 当然,如果对手的能量先满了,你可就惨了!
- If he already blew his PVP trinket and your have a full energy stunlock ready. 如果他已经用过了PVP饰品,而且你有着准备好的满能量连续技。
- The other major toxin is myoglobin, a protein that binds oxygen in muscles so they can work at peak efficiency. 其次是肌红蛋白,是一种氧结合血红素蛋白,保证肌肉高效运作。
- Jackson, whose opinion matters more than most, acknowledged that his players have been operating at peak efficiency only in spurts. 杰克逊也表示自己手下的这群球员只有在某些时候才能打出最高效率的比赛。
- Because Sidel guarantees its equipment will continue to operate at peak efficiency, manufacturers are able to focus on their own customers. 由于西得乐保证其设备将继续运行在峰值效率,制造商们能够专注于他们自己的客户。
- The holiday season is full of temp tations--candy, cookies, alcohol-- that send your body on a roller coaste r ride of energy peaks and crashes. 节假日期间诱人的食品很多,诸如糖果、曲奇饼、酒等,控制不住的话你的精力就会像乘过山车那样,一下子升至顶峰又一下子跌入低谷。
- To maintain our plant’s peak efficiency,we are currently replacing some of our pasteurizing machine with newer models. 缓冲作为礼貌策略的另一种作用是通过作者谦恭的话语来强调团结合作,以显得不那么粗鲁、武断、自负、无所不知,这会使双方感到更亲近,有助于建立和维持和谐关系。
- We attach challenge attitude to each task, and take full energy in working.We are honor to be members of Bosch group. 我们将每一项任务都视为挑战,满怀喜悦地投入工作,为自己是一个博世人而倍感骄傲。
- The holiday season is full of temp tations--candy,cookies,alcohol-- that send your body on a roller coaste r ride of energy peaks and crashes. 节假日期间诱人的食品很多,诸如糖果、曲奇饼、酒等,控制不住的话你的精力就会像乘过山车那样,一下子升至顶峰又一下子跌入低谷。
- The cellphone is an uncivilised abomination that deprives busy people of the rare periods of solitude that they so desperately need in order to maintain peak efficiency. 手机是不文明的可憎东西,它剥夺了忙人为维持最高效率极需的一点独处时间。
- The falchion is a long and heavy weapon, so you want to use it freely, and you must have the full energy and force of waist and arms. 在练习大刀时,必须有扎实的拳术基础,尤其对腰腿劲及臂力的要求更为重要,因大刀是器械中大型重武品,须有充足饱满的内气和腰腿臂力,才能运用自如,劈、砍、推、斩、翻、滚、盘、压,无不得其自然。
- This is a time for youngster to give vent to one's full energy ,oldster recover one's youthful vigour and worker can reduce stress from dance too. 能让年轻人发泄过多的精力,年长者返老还童和让上班族发泄累计在心里的不满,减压等等达到忘我的境界。
- Working at peak efficiency. 最大效率的运转
- The simulated result indicates a few number of full energy deposition pulse shapes are similar to rising-edge pile-up pulse shapes. 结果表明:有一定数量的能量全沉积脉冲与上升沿堆积脉冲波形存在较大的相似。
- Yet in some high powered rifles, light pellets are ejected so rapidly they do not dwell long enough to get the full energy transfer of the decompressing charge of air. 但在一些大威力气枪上,轻子弹被射出得太快,在枪膛里逗留的时间不够长,所以压缩空气的能量不能全部转移到子弹上。
- I am the girl with full energy,aggression,enable to work hard.I desir to work in the field of international trade,for I want to take full use of my education. 要查看所有求职者的联系方式,请注册单位会员或登录到单位管理中心去查询!!!
- If the brain is not so active, it concentrates its full energies on monitoring the passing of time. As a result, time seems to drag. 倘若大脑不是很兴奋,它就会用全部精力监测时间的流逝。结果,时间就好像过得很慢。
- maximal temperature; maximum speed; working at peak efficiency. 最高温度;最高速度;以最高效率工作。