- A bright, full moon appears in the sky. 天空中出现了一轮明月。
- Last night there was a full moon. 昨晚是满月。
- The full moon has a circular form. 满月呈圆形。
- The full moon has a circular shape. 满月呈圆形。
- The smooth surface of the lake reflected the bright full moon. 平静的湖面反映出明亮的圆月。
- The deluded mind twists on a fishhook. The pure mind is the bright full moon. 妄心妄境,如鱼吞钩,痛楚割截身心;真心正念,不被钩牵,功如圆满明月。
- The full moon deluged the town with silvery light. 一轮明月使整个市镇浸浴在银色的光海里。
- A full moon hangs over the garden. 一轮圆月挂在花园的上空。
- A full moon was hanging over the garden. 一轮圆月挂在花园的上空。
- How ara you going to spend this Full Moon Festival? 你是如何度过中秋节?
- So the festival happens on the full moon? 那就是说元宵节是满月的那一天了?
- We hope we can see a full moon tonight. 我们希望今晚能看到满月。
- Caption:: Under moon night, moon bright and stars dim. Brilliant moon light shine on the ground, turn darkness into brightness. 月夜下,月明星稀,月亮的光芒映照在大地上,使本应漆黑的大地变得光明。
- Said the full moon from the sky. 满月在天空这样说
- The full moon came out after the snow. 雪后一轮圆月出来了。
- You may see the full moon tonight. 今晚你可以看到满月。
- A full moon is hanging in the sky. 一轮圆月挂在天空。
- He remembered those clear nights and the moon bright on the silver tails of the foxes. 他记起那些天晴的夜晚,以及照在狐狸银色尾巴上的明亮的月亮。
- The still water reflected the full moon. 平静的水面映出了满月。
- The fog cleared away and the full moon appeared. 雾消散了, 整个月亮出现了。