- Its natural fruit acid can remove wrinkle and clean skin. ,促进肌肤吸收营养物质,加速更新,激活肌肤水动力,而其中含有的天然果酸具有抗皱洁肤作用。
- Fruit acid existing in foliage can be used as medicine. 果酸存在于植物之中,可入药。
- Magical fruit acid can balance the exudation of skin grease, restrain acne to form, still can reduce wrinkle. 神奇的果酸能够平衡皮肤油脂的分泌,抑制粉刺形成,还可以减少皱纹。
- Ingredients: mild foam cleaning factor, vitamin E, AHA fruit acid, salicylic acid, glycerol, amino acid etc. 成分:温和泡沫洁净因子,维他命E,AHA果酸,水杨酸,甘油,氨基酸等。
- AHA fruit acid essence mildly removes the aging surface cells, activate and tenderize it. AHA果酸精华温和去除老化的表层皮肤细胞,活氧嫩肤。
- Main ingredients:red megranate,cleansing cell,vitamin C,fruit acid and balsm pear. 主要成份:红石榴、清洁因子、维他命C、果酸、苦瓜精华。
- Tumeric is antiseptic, and keeps spots in check, while the fruit acid in orange juice clears blemishes. 姜黄是防腐剂,可以控制黑斑,而桔汁中的果酸可以清除黑斑。
- Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, fruit acid, saffron, chamomile, rose hip, snow lotus etc. 成份:清纯橄榄精油、果酸、藏红花、洋甘菊、玫瑰果、雪莲等纯植物萃取精华。
- Main ingredients:Vitamin C,pearl essence,green tea,arbutin,fruit acid,cucumber,salvia and etc. 主要成份:维他命C、珍珠精华、绿茶、熊果苷、果酸、青瓜、鼠尾草等。
- Contain natural extracted fruit acid, can eliminate aged cell mildly, improve metabolism, weaken pigment and then postpone your skin to become old. 蕴涵天然萃取果酸,能温和老化细胞,促进新陈代谢,淡化色素,延缓肌肤衰老。
- Primary Ingredients: safflower, almond, Fruit Acid, liquorices, honey, root of red-rooted salvia , pearl powder, VA and etc.. 主要成份:红花、杏仁、果酸、甘草、蜂蜜、丹参、珍珠粉、VA等。
- The mean production of "Zuoyouhong" increase 31.0%,sugar content increase 3.9%,0.7% decrease in fruit acid compared with "Shanghong"(ck) in these three regions. “左优红”在3个区域试验点的产量;比对照(CK)品种“双红”平均增产31.;0%25。 果实含糖和总酸含量分别比CK高3
- Accounting for technological requirements and economic benefit, electrodialysis was feasible for fruit acid effluent desalination and reuse, and could be studied more. 综合考虑到工艺要求和经济效益,认为利用电渗析对果酸废液进行脱盐回收是切实可行的方法,可作进一步放大研究。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- The kiwi fruit acid, taste Gansu is cold, but also has promotes saliva or body fluids moistens dry areas, allays a fever eliminates the bothersome effect, is also the autumn fruit and good elects! 猕猴桃性酸,味甘寒,还具有生津润燥,解热除烦的功效,也是秋季水果的及佳之选哦!
- Ingredient: Natural juicy peach extracted essence, vitamin C, natural fruit acids, moisturizing factors, hyaluronic acid, etc. 主要成分:天然水蜜桃提取精华液,植物精油,维他素C,天然果酸,保湿因子。
- Comprising fruit acid AHA active ion and HA factor, it can whiten and hydrate skin, supply moisture and nutrition, avoid dryness and wrinkle, keep skin elastic, moist, tender and fair. 含天然果酸AHA活性离子有透明质酸因子,具有靓白保湿功效,能持久补充肌肤水、养份防止干燥与皱纹,保持肌肤弹性,丰润而易吸收,使你的肌肤得到呵护的同时更显润泽嫩白。?
- After adding hot water, the ruby-like and resplendent tincture is revealed. It contains abundant vilamins, fruit acids and minerals. 图片介绍:呈现红宝石般,璀璨的颜色,丰富维他命、果酸及矿物质。
- The Orange, Lemon, Lime and Grapefruit Oils will dissolve hardened plaque much like such fruit acids dissolve dead skin when applied as a cream. 甜橙、柠檬、酸橙和葡萄柚油将溶解硬化的牙石,就象果酸作为皮肤霜使用时溶解死皮一样。
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。