- Syntrak 480 Marine Digital Telemetry System developed. 开发Syntrak 480海上数字遥测系统。
- The telemetry system is a data logger that records data over several days. 遥感勘测系统是一个一些天以来记录数据的数据樵夫。
- This FM/FM-FM telemetry system has bee n used in one missile's test. 该战斗弹遥测系统采用FM/FM-FM遥测体制,现已成功地应用于某导弹的飞行试验。
- It utilizes powerful new workstation computers and high-speed WTS telemetry system. 它采用功能很强的工作站为主机及高速WTS遥传系统。
- The telemetry system used to measure the ECAP in Nucleus CI24M users is referred to as neural response telemetry(NRT). 用于记录Nucleus CI24M使用者ECAP的遥测系统称为神经反应遥测(neural re-sponse telemetry, NRT)系统。
- Based on the research of IRIG-CBW-G telemetry system, the introduction of constant bandwidth telemetry system is given. 本文以IRIG--CBW-G基宽遥测系统为基础,对频分遥测系统进行了理 论的分析。
- Abstract:In this paper, the onboard vibration measure system designed for certain telemetry system is introduced. 摘要:文中介绍了为某遥测系统设计的机载振动测量系统。
- In this paper,we design a electrocardiographic telemetry system using General Packet Radio Service(GPRS). 因此,本文提出了一种基于GPRS标准的新型心电图仪系统。
- The vehicle is fitted with a telemetry system that provides a data link to a control centre. 这辆车安装了一个遥测系统,它向控制中心提供一个数据连接。
- Introduced are the design scheme and realization of Modem in high speed cable telemetry system. 介绍了高速电缆遥传系统中的调制解调器设计方案及实现。
- D.E.Ryerson, “A High Data Rate Underwater Acoustic Telemetry System” , Int Forum on Ocean Eng.,Vol. 12,pp. 259-262, 1980. 谢铭信,“实海域之水下声响通讯技术之探讨”,国立成功大学系统及船舶机电工程所硕士论文,2004年。
- David E.Ryerson, “A Higt Data Rate Underwater Acoustic Telemetry System”, Int Forum on Ocean Eng in the '80s, p 259-262, Sep 1980. 徐平,廖开训,陶军,肖波,“基于声学调制解调的声速剖面遥测技术”,海洋技术,第25卷,第3期,2006年9月。
- Dabie Mountains forecast dispatch system establishes which in the telemetry system foundation,full use computer technology and hydrologic forecast technology. 在遥测系统的基础上建立的大别山区预报调度系统,充分利用计算机技术和水文预报技术。
- This paper describes the heating networks telemetry system and the computer terminal system at heating stations and details the features and function of software system data communication via wireless series Ports. 摘要简述了热网计算机无线遥测系统的构成原理和供热站终端系统结构,介绍了监控通讯系统软件的特点与功能,并详细阐述了串口无线通讯中数据的发送与接收过程,实现了客户/服务器体系的数据库系统。
- telemetry systems of frequency division type 频分制遥测系统
- Perhaps the most important features of these telemetry systems, though, are fault diagnosis and timely servicing. 然而,这些遥测系统最重要的功能可能是错误诊断和快速服务。
- Smart antenna technology will be widely used in telemetry systems in the near future. 摘要智能天线技术在未来无线遥测系统中有很广阔的应用前景。
- The component, function, working conditions, system reliability and protective measure of key part of the hydrological telemetry system in Dafangying reservoir are introduced in this paper. 摘要文章介绍了大房郢水库水文自动测报系统的组成、功能、运行情况、系统可靠性以及关键部分的保护措施。
- To solve these problems, this thesis presents a new concept of All Digital Demodulating.A research on digital FM-FM telemetry system subcarrier demodulator is done on the basis of this concept. 针对这些问题,本文提出了一个全数字化 的解调概念,并以此概念为基础,对数字式频分多路遥测系统副载波 解调器作了系统的研究。
- On this basis the infrared shortrange telemetry system is designed.The system features miniature and micro consumption and resolves the measurement of parameters of rotating objects. 在此基础上,设计了红外近程遥测系统,它具有微型化、微功耗的特点,较理想地解决了旋转体参数测试问题。