- 疯狂滑水FULL版小游戏 FULL version of Crazy Water Skiing Games
- 将使用FULL(完全)安全级别。 The FULL safety level will be used.
- 比较 full 中的短元音和 fool 中的长元音。 Compare the short vowel in 'full' and the long vowel in 'fool'.
- 初始化INIT:AP A,full|APPLA = AP 的逻辑号。 INITINIT:AP A,FULL|APPLA = the AP's logical number.
- 例如,要在字段full_name中查询值"John Smith",可以指定 For example, to query the field full_name for the value "John Smith", specify the following
- 下面显示了最全面的列集,当mode为FULL时,就会返回该集。 The most comprehensive set of columns is shown below and is returned when mode is FULL.
- 这些样式表包括Rswebparts.css、Sp_full.css和Sp_small.css。 These style sheets include Rswebparts. Css, Sp_full. Css, and Sp_small. Css.
- 当指定为FULL时,将使用事务日志备份在发生媒体故障后进行完全恢复。 RECOVERY When FULL is specified, full recovery after media failure is provided by using transaction log backups.
- 本文介绍了应用CR Full Leg/Spine软件进行全腿全脊柱X线摄影方法。 This text introduced the applied CR Full Leg/Spine software procceeds the whole leg whoie spinal columa X line photographs the method.
- 而全长cDNA池(full-length cDNA pool)则是cDNA文库构建的最重要环节。 Full-length cDNA pool is the most important step in construction of cDNA library.
- 爬网范围受制于表中的行数、CPU的个数和max full-text crawl range配置选项限制。 The crawl range is limited by the number of rows in the table, the number of CPUs, and the max full-text crawl range configuration option.
- 我们建议您将Microsoft Full-Text Engine for SQL Server(MSFTESQL)服务设置为在低特权的帐户下运行。 We recommend having the Microsoft Full-Text Engine for SQL Server (MSFTESQL) service set to run under a low-privileged account.
- 在365nm紫外光的激发下,产生发光峰在530nm附近,半高宽 (FWHM:Full Width of Half-maximum)为41.5nm的黄绿光发射。 the maximum emission peak is at 530nm and FWHM is 41. 5nm in PL spectra of Zn(salph) powder, which can emit yellow-green fluorescence;
- Microsoft Full-text Engine for SQL Server(MSFTESQL)服务使用此唯一索引将表中的每一行映射到一个唯一的可压缩键。 The Microsoft Full-text Engine for SQL Server (MSFTESQL) service uses this unique index to map each row in the table to a unique, compressible key.
- 完全长大;他并没有完全懂得;了解得十分透彻(full在full-grown(完全长大)或者full-fledged(完全发育)中用作构词成分)。 fully grown; he didn't fully understand; knew full well; ('full' is used as a combining form as in 'full-grown' or 'full-fledged').
- 和另一种高效的Cache敏感型主存数据库索引结构CSB~+-树相比,CST-树与其最好的一种变形FULL CSB~+-树性能接近,而使用空间远远小于FULL CSB~+-树。 When comparing with another efficient MMDB index, CSB+-tree, CST-tree performs almost as well as the best form of CSB+-tree, FULL-CSB+-Tree and saves more space than FULL-CSB+-Tree at the same time.