- They pooh-poohed our scheme for raising money. 他们对我们的筹款方案嗤之以鼻。
- For heads: empower heads to make every school a junk food free zone. 校长们:让校长们有权力让每个学校免于受到垃圾食物的攻击。
- We bedded up the dirt for raising flowers. 我们堆土成花坛以养花。
- They designed that scheme for raising money. 他们想出了那个筹款计划。
- Suggestion: No registering in WGQ free zone. 建议:不注册在外高桥。
- A tract of water for raising fish is a fish farm. 一片养鱼的水是鱼塘。
- Is the storage in the tax free zone? 仓库是在保税区吗?
- The downtown area is zoned for commercial use. 市中心被划出供商业用。
- Jack rs scheme for raising money is practicable. 杰克筹款的计划是可行的。
- A machine or device for raising, compressing, or transferring fluids. 抽水机一种用来提升、压缩或输送液体的机械或装置
- There's nothing like it for raising your spirits. 我觉得那样最能叫人提神。
- We thank you for raising the issue. 我们非常感谢您提出的这件事。
- They have declared their country a,nuclear free zone. 他们宣布本国为无核区.
- She blamed herself for raising the subject. 她怪自己不该提起这个问题。
- Jack's scheme for raising money is practicable. 杰克筹款的计划是可行的。
- A device for raising an anchor to the cathead. 提锚滑车将锚提升至锚架的装置
- Zone for articles covering various Web-based solutions. 专区,获得介绍各种基于Web的解决方案的文章。
- These experiences taught me that dogs have emotional natures just as humans do, and so raising dogs is similar to raising children. 这个经验让我领悟到,狗在情感方面和人类并没有两样。我养了两只狗,就像养了两个小孩一样。
- Rulans violate the Neutral Zone for the first te in over a century. 罗幕伦人在超过一世纪后第一次侵犯中立区。