- The gold market is where frightened people go. 黄金市场是惊慌失措的人们光顾的市场。
- There is not quite so much activity in the gold market. 黄金市场交易不怎么活跃。
- The bottom fell out of the gold market and the price of gold crashed. 黄金市场降到最低点,黄金的价格开始崩溃。
- Participants that have deposited over 5000 PED are automatically entitled to a free Gold Card kit. 已经在账户内存入5000PED的用户将自动获取一个免费金卡套件。
- The globalization of gold market bring about opportunity and challenge for gold mines. 黄金市场的国际化为黄金矿山企业带来了机遇与挑战。
- You get-um!Heap big wampum!"In wow gold market,m is an excellent online store for selling wow gold. 其前身是沈阳市天星测控技术研究所,产品遍布中国除澳门以外所有省市,并远销五大洲20多个国家。
- Omdurman in the gold market, the most eye-catching is that many large high value of gold. 在恩图曼黄金市场上,最为引人注目的是那许许多多价值高昂的大件金饰。
- Speculators in New York tried to capitalize on the inflated price of gold in relation to paper currency by corning the gold market. 纽约的投机者试图投资与纸币相比价格飞涨的黄金来垄断黄金市场。
- According to the chief executive of AngloGold Ashanti, Bobby Godsell, the gold market is stronger than it has been for the last 30 years, MiningMX.com reports. 根据安格路黄金公司的首席执行官鲍比歌德赛所说,黄金市场比以前近三十年来更加好。
- This success of radial drilling machine manufacturer, to further consolidate the company's "Czech" brace gold market leading position. 这台摇臂钻床的成功制造,进一步巩固了公司“中捷”金牌摇钻产品的市场领先地位。
- One is commonly known as the Loco-London gold market, with process quoted in US dollars per troy ounce of gold of 99.99 per cent fineness and with delivery in London. 其中一个市场通称为本地伦敦金市场,交易以美元按每金衡安士报价,黄金纯度为99.;99%25,在伦敦交收。
- S. dollars.The spot market, the London gold market, agreed to a slight increase over the previous day to 880 U.S. dollars / oz. 现货市场方面,伦敦市场的议定金价较前一交易日略有增长,至880美元/盎司。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- The introduction of the proposed gold investment fund, analysts and experts say, will provide a boost to the gold market. 分析师和专家说,拟议中的黄金投资基金的推出将会大大提升黄金市场。
- China's gold market is currently restricted to spot trading, but the SGE has been developing derivatives such as futures, options and investment funds. 中国黄金市场目前局限于现货交易,但是上海黄金交易所一直在开发诸如期金、认购、和投资基金等衍生产品。
- While in SGE’s initial operation, the gold market is not an efficient one, because it doesn’t exhibit volatility and liquidity. 但在上海黄金交易所运行的初期,市场交易不活跃,价格发现和降低交易成本的功能并没有充分发挥。
- It is predicted that gold price tends to be still continually on the increase in view of that the main world gold market tend... 由于黄金市场的基本面继续向好及全球政治经济局势动荡不定,地区冲突不断,预计后市金价仍有上涨空闻。
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船员仍然没有患坏血病之虞。
- If it parks 20 percent or so of the buildup in bullion, it could be enough to swing the gold market -- tiny by comparison with energy. 如果公园的20 %25 ,或使的建设,在伦敦,它可以是不够的摇摆不定的黄金市场-由微小的比较与能源。
- Chinese traditional financial habits will be 28 this month, Japan and China with the full liberalization of the gold market again resurgent. 中国人传统的理财习惯将随着本月28日中国黄金市场的全面放开而再度回潮。