- Specified by or exhibiting four dimensions, especially the three spatial dimensions and single temporal dimension of the relativity theory. 四维的,四度空间的由四维确定或表现的,尤指三个空间维度和相对理论中的时间维度
- I was seeing in four dimensions at once. 我同时看到四个维度。
- Specified by or exhibiting four dimensions, especially the three spatial dimensions and single temporal dimension of the relativitytheory. 四维的,四度空间的由四维确定或表现的,尤指三个空间维度和相对理论中的时间维度。
- Specified by or exhibiting four dimensions,especially the three spatial dimensions and single temporal dimension of the relativity theory. 四维的,四度空间的由四维确定或表现的,尤指三个空间维度和相对理论中的时间维度
- Specified by or exhibiting four dimensions,especially the three spatial dimensions and single.temporal dimension of the relativity theory. 四维的,四度空间的由四维确定或表现的,尤指三个空间维度和相对理论中的时间维度
- Decorate in the family in, afforest adornment also can produce certain effect to dimensional construction. 在家庭装修中,绿化装饰对空间的构造也可发挥一定作用。
- Also has some more functions, like integrated three dimensional construction and advanced cartography function, also in design. 还有一些更多的功能,如一体化的三维建筑和先进的绘图功能,都还在设计中。
- Academic liberalism has four dimensions of economic,political,social ethics and philosophical doctrines. 学理上的自由主义 ,主要有经济学说、政治学说、社会伦理学说和哲学学说四个维度。
- Quaternions extend the concept of rotation in three dimensions to rotation in four dimensions. 四元数将三维中旋转的概念扩展到四维中的旋转。
- A new color video coding method whichcombines 4D-MDCT and four dimensional intra prediction is proposed. 该文基于4D-MDCT并结合四维帧内预测技术提出了一种彩色视频编码的新方法。
- The math behind Quaternions involves four dimensional linear algebra, which is very difficult to understand. 四元组的数学意义是一个较难理解的四维线性代数。
- Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) showed that the Competition Scale has four dimensions including nine sub-dimensions. 该初始版本具有竞争倾向、竞争动机、竞争策略和竞争内容4个维度,共包含9个子维度。
- Using the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, Stephen Hawking proved that the topology of the event horizon of a (four dimensional) black hole is a 2-sphere. 使用高斯-博内定理,史蒂芬·霍金证明一个(四维)黑洞活动视界的拓扑结构是2个球体。
- By analogizing the coordinate conversion of two-dimensional plane,we turn the Minkowski four dimensional space,and deduce the Lorentz transformation. 转动闵可夫斯基四维空间,类比二维平面坐标系转动的坐标变换关系,导出洛伦兹变换关系。
- Space-time, as it is known, has four dimensions: the three familiar spatial ones of length, breadth and height, and time. 众所周知,空间-时间是四维世界,除了三个我们熟悉的空间方向,长度,宽度,和高度之外,还有时间这一个方向矢量。
- The system of discourse is a system consisting of four dimensions of the object, enunciative modalities, concepts and thematic choices. 话语系统是一个散布系统,包括对象、表达形式、概念和主题选择四个建构维度。
- Three dimension construction and magnetic fabric analysis of the Yanjinggou fault-propagation fold in western Sichuan 川西盐井沟断层传播褶皱的三维构造建模与磁组构分析
- According to this logic, this paper categorizes the core rigidities into four dimensions based on the origin of core capabilities. 从核心能力的来源来看,核心能力刚性存在着战略调整刚性、管理程序和惯例刚性、组织结构刚性和企业文化刚性等四个维度。
- The modulated vector and the four dimensional index of all Bragg reflections of incommensurately modulated structures were determined. 据此对单晶衍射数据进行了四维空间的指标化。
- It is clear to all of us that two plus two is four. 二加二等于四对我们大家都很清楚。