- fornix conjunctiva inferior 结膜下穹窿
- fornix conjunctivae inferior 结膜下穹
- Conclusion Inferior fornix conjunctival fixation is a new method for treating conjunctivochalasis, with less irritation, safer and easier operating. 结论下穹窿结膜固定术术后剌激症状轻,操作简单、安全,为治疗结膜松弛症的一种好手术方法。
- Conclusion The side of sublingual gland is smallness and can be grafted into the fossa for lacrimal gland. The major sublingual duct can used as lacrimal gland duct open in fornix conjunctivae superior by suture with mucosa. 舌下腺体积较小,可移植入泪腺窝内,舌下腺大管可与穹隆部眼睑粘膜缝合作为再造泪腺导管的开口;
- fornix conjunctiva 穹窿部结膜
- I consider it to be inferior to robot. 我认为它不及机器人。
- A captain is inferior to a major. 上尉的级别低於少校。
- Woman is inferior to man in strength. 女人力量不及男人。
- The Silver Age came next, inferior to the golden. 接下来的是逊于黄金时代的白银时代。
- This plastic is inferior in quality to glass. 这塑胶的质料比玻璃差。
- I grudge paying so much for such inferior goods. 我不愿花这么多钱买次品。
- He's so clever, he makes me feel inferior. 他那么聪明,让我自愧不如。
- These people occupy an inferior position in local society. 这些人在当地社会居于下等地位。
- The salesman tried to fob off an inferior brand on us. 那个推销员试图以劣质牌号骗卖给我们。
- Of low, common, or inferior quality. 低质量的低的、普通的或劣等的质量的
- A cheaper camera is not always inferior to a more expensive one. 廉价照相机的质量并总不比昂贵的差。
- Most inferior, as in quality, condition, or effect. 最差的在质量、条件或效果方面最差的
- Moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary. 普通的质量中等偏下的; 一般的
- Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva. 结膜炎是结膜的炎症疾病。
- Inferior craft; felt inferior to his older sibling. 低等的手工艺品; 感到比他的兄妹们低一等