- The water stored behind a dam has free energy. 蓄在水闸内的水具有自由能。
- Surface Free Energy and Solid-Liquid Slippage. 界面自由能与滑移。
- The free energy increases monotonically with increasing radius. 自由能随半径的增大而单调地增加。
- On the basis of the relative magnitude of their standard free energy of formation, the order of relative stability of PBTA congeners was theoretically proposed. 根据标准生成自由能的相对大小;从理论上求得异构体的相对稳定性顺序。
- Free energy calculation is a challenge problem in MD. 现在有不少方法。比如热力学积分法。
- H bonds on facing folded chain crystal surfaces leda to a decrease of surface free energy and this fact is a main reason for the formation of double lamellae. 在双层片晶界面上的H键降低了表面自由能,这是形成双层片晶的主要原因。
- The standard free energy of formation of binary compound Nd_2Fe_(17) was determined by EMF of the following high temperature galvanic cell: Mo, Nd, NdF_3|CaF_2| NdF_3, Nd_2Fe_(17), Fe, Mo in which CaF_2 single crystal was used as solid electrolyte. 用CaF_2单晶为固体电解质构成原电池:Mo;Nd;Nd F_|Ca F_2|NdF_;Nd_2Fe_(17);Fe.
- A free energy level. 未被占据的能量极
- This quantity is positive with respect to the free energy of the bulk condensed phase. 对于主体凝结相的自由能来说,这个量是正的。
- As the concentration of solvated chains increases with decreasing distance, the free energy of the system increases. 随着距离的减小溶解链段的浓度升高,体系的自由能也随之升高。
- In depicting reaction coordinates it is more customary to plot the free energy on the vertical axis. 在绘画反应坐标图时,较通行的是把自由能画在纵轴上。
- We arrived at the DFT for Lennard-Jones fluid by constructing the excess free energy with MFMT and high-order FMSA. 通过采用MFMT和高阶FMSA展开分别表示硬球排斥和色散吸引作用对Helmholtz自由能泛函的贡献,得到了LJ流体的密度泛函方法。
- By taking use of the limit of entropy density on free energy density,it deduces changing rate of entropy density. 利用熵密度对自由能密度的限制,导得熵密度变化率。
- If so, you may be eligible to receive a free energy saving kit from BC Hydro. Please enter here for details. 假如都是的话,您可以获得卑斯水电送出的免费节能包。详情请进卑斯水电的网站。
- This paper proposes a method for domain delineation based on the maximum refolding free energy. 本文通过计算去折叠自由能来实现对蛋白质结构域的划分。
- The deterministic techniques cannot promise the global minimum of Gibbs free energy. 确定性算法通常不能保证得到吉布斯自由能最小值;
- The next stage in the economic shock therapy will be freeing energy prices. 振兴经济的下一阶段措施将会是放宽能源价格限制。
- For two complementary strands of nucleotides, the free energy is minimized when they pair up to form a double helix. 就两股互补的核苷酸分子而言,配对形成一条双股螺旋时的自由能会最低。
- The book has been styled in a modern format. 该书已按照现代版式制作。
- Changes of enthalpy and entropy affect the value of a reaction's Gibbs free energy. 吉布斯自由能又叫吉布斯函数,是热力学中一个重要的参量,常用G表示,它的定义是: