- formal aesthetic factors 形美
- While Chinese American fiction is widely studied in relation to ideology, its formal aesthetic value is understudied. 相比之下,对美国华裔小说文本形式的研究显得相对不够。因此,论文尝试研究美国华裔小说叙事策略。
- If other artists enjoy the pleasure from handwork, Hu’s work, nevertheless, leads me to perceiving a self-pitying agony while bringing about formal aesthetic joy. 如果其他的艺术家正在享受着手工技术带来的乐趣,那么胡声平的制作,在带来形式上审美愉悦的同时,也让我觉察到一种自怜式的痛苦。
- Texture is another aesthetic factor, while color and form are its pursue for shape beauty. 质地是菜肴又一个审美要素;色和形是对菜肴形式美的追求。
- It can expand the aesthetic vision, improve the aesthetic temperament, and help people to appreciate the aesthetic value by dissecting these aesthetic factors. 分析森林美学因素,能扩大审美视野,提高审美情趣,帮助人们体验森林的美学价值。
- "Rhythm" in "Wen Xin Diao Long" is an exploration by Liu Xie in the patterns of realizing the rhythm and harmony of poems, and also an establishment of literary criticism criteria from the perspective of formal aesthetic. 摘要《文心雕龙?声律》是刘勰对诗文创作音乐美实现的规律性探求,也是从形式美的角度确立批评标准的一个方面。
- Chinese textbooks in middle school contain many kinds of aesthetic factors, and we should dig them out of every polished excellent works and applied them in writing practice in order to direct the healthy development of composition teaching. 中学语文教材蕴含诸多写作审美因素,将一篇篇精美佳作中的写作审美因素挖掘出来,落实到写作实践中,以此指导写作教学的健康发展。
- Any object contains aesthetic factors, and this has been camouflaged in traditional art conception.Divert, copy and collage and so on are precisely profound insight of this phenomenon. 任何对象都蕴涵审美因素,在传统的艺术观念中这一点被遮蔽了,挪用、复制、拼贴等正是对这一现象的深刻洞察。
- Aesthetic Expressions for Formal Aesthetic Perception of Art Design 论艺术设计形式美感的审美表达方式
- The fate was one of the most obvious aesthetical factors of the tragic spirit in Western literature. 摘要命运是西方悲剧精神最有代表性的审美要素之一。
- The second part: intension of Marcuse's formalism aesthetics. 第二部分,马尔库塞形式主义美学的思想内涵。
- Meanwhile, prosperity of formalistic aesthetic in the filed of Music and opera emphasized rather than lied in many musical colleges is also indicating that lied is important in the singing and educating of musical college at the aspect of its art value. 同时,针对当前音乐界形式主义美学空前繁盛的状况,并结合目前一些高师音乐院校重歌剧轻艺术歌曲的现状,力求通过本文的阐述,真实地反映艺术歌曲在声乐演唱与教学中的重要性,以更充分发挥其应有的艺术价值。
- We were invited to a formal luncheon. 我们被邀参加一次正式的午宴。
- The third part: basic characteristics of Marcuse"s formalism aesthetics. 第三部分,马尔库塞形式主义美学的理论特征。
- He cast his last remark in more formal wording. 他用更正式的措词表达了最后一句话。
- The Aesthetic Factors of Cheers and Jumps in Vector Space 向量空间中欢呼跳跃的美学因素
- English modern formalistic aesthetics genre was the outcome of that situation. 二十世纪一、二十年代英国现代形式主义美学流派就是这种情况下的产物。
- The fourth part: comparing Marcuse"s formalism aesthetics with others". 第四部分,比较视野中的马尔库塞形式主义美学。
- Later he also gained in aesthetic knowledge. 后来他的美学知识也增加了。
- Don't you be so fucking formal with me. 别你他妈的对我这么一本正经了。