- When they take the formal step of marriage, does anything change? 当他们采取结婚这一正式步骤时,会有什么变化发生呢?
- When they take the formal step of marriage,does anything change? 当他们采取结婚这一正式步骤时,会有什么变化发生呢?
- English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school. 英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。
- More and more students are benefiting from hit modern type of instruction. 这种现代化的教学模式正使愈来愈多的学生受益。
- First we have to lift the level of instruction. 首先我们得提高教学水平。
- The steps of the old house groaned under my weight. 我的体重使老房子的楼梯吱嘎作响。
- One of the steps of a winding staircase. 斜踏步转弯的楼道处的一个梯阶
- This is the beginning of instruction in yoga. 现在开始讲解瑜珈。
- She carefully premeditated each step of her plan. 她仔细地考虑她的每步计划。
- The systematic design of instruction. 教学系统化设计。
- Performed the several steps of the process. 展现了这一过程的几个阶段
- A period of instruction; a class. 一堂课;一节课
- The steps of the palace rise in easy flights. 宫殿台阶上升的坡度不大。
- English is the medium of instruction at UIC. 通过UIC独有的全人教育、博雅教育和四维教育。
- An example is the best agency of instruction. 实例是最好的说明手段。
- The top few steps of the ladder were broken. 楼梯顶端的梯子坏了。
- English will be used as the medium of instruction. 英语将会被用作为教学语言。
- English is the main language of instruction. 英语是主要的教学语言。
- Do you know the steps of this dance? 你会这种舞的步子吗?
- Does the II list all the steps of the inspection? 检查指示书是否列出了所有的检验步骤?