- Along with the forest paper integration project's completion production, the company will advance into our country papermaking powerhouse ranks. 随着林纸一体化工程的竣工投产,公司将跻身我国造纸强者行列。
- According to the model, the paper designs further an evaluation index system of the harmoniousness status of forest-paper integrated mode, and gives the detailed explains of the indexes. 根据解释结构模型构建起用于衡量林纸一体化模式和谐性状况的3级递阶评价体系,并从环境和谐性、组织和谐性和市场和谐性3个方面对评价体系的相关指标进行了具体阐释。
- Superior environment, substantial silvan natural resources, the development that is line of business of Fujian forest paper offerred good development condition. 优越的自然环境,丰富的森林资源,为福建林纸业的发展提供了良好的发展条件。
- Description of new settings used to create a report server database in SharePoint integrated mode. 说明了用于创建SharePoint集成模式下的报表服务器数据库的新设置。
- Be sure to clear the Create the report server database in SharePoint integrated mode check box. 确保清除“创建SharePoint集成模式的报表服务器数据库”复选框。
- The rs utility is not supported against report servers that are configured for SharePoint integrated mode. 配置为SharePoint集成模式的报表服务器不支持rs实用工具。
- When a report server runs in SharePoint integrated mode, the concept of a resource has a narrower definition. 报表服务器在SharePoint集成模式下运行时,资源理念的定义就会更窄。
- This is a good example of how you can get more bang out of existing third-party ASP.NET modules by using them in Integrated mode. 该示例很好地说明了如何通过在集成模式中使用现有第三方ASP.;NET模块来更好地利用它们。
- By the study this paper integrated applied various control-extinguishment fire techniques controlled the Spontaneous combustion of 23509 working face in Guandi mine by stages and got well effect. 本文通过研究,综合运用注氮防灭火技术、注胶防灭火技术分阶段地对官地矿23509工作面自燃火灾进行了的治理,取得了良好的效果。
- The utility does not support the SOAP endpoint used for programmatic access to a report server that runs in SharePoint integrated mode. 对于以SharePoint集成模式运行的报表服务器,该实用工具不支持通过编程访问报表服务器所需使用的SOAP端点。
- When publishing to a report server running in SharePoint integrated mode, type a URL to a SharePoint top-level site or subsite. 发布到在SharePoint集成模式下运行的报表服务器时,请键入SharePoint顶级站点或子站点的URL。
- When publishing to a report server running in SharePoint integrated mode, use a URL to a SharePoint top-level site or subsite. 发布到在SharePoint集成模式下运行的报表服务器时,请使用SharePoint顶级站点或子站点的URL。
- And the different SINS/GPS/Bei-Dou/ADS integrated arithmetic is designed, according to the different integrated mode is used. 然后根据SINS与GPS不同的组合模式对SINS/GPS/北斗/大气数据组合导航的模型和组合算法进行了设计。
- This paper integrating with the factual circs of college teaching department, expatiates on how to implement the preceding functions. 本文结合广东医学院教务处的实际情况,针对如何实现这些功能做了详细阐述。
- Then it constructs the integrated mode of grid database and its management mode according to the four-tier memory architecture of grid data. 然后根据网格数据的四层存储体系,构建网格数据库整合模式和网格数据库的管理模式。
- Objective:To probe the best integrated mode between middle aged male diabetes patients health education and clinical nursing. 目的:探讨中年男性糖尿病患者健康教育与临床护理一体化最佳模式。
- Based on a survey, this paper integrates Prospect Theory into the study of taxpayer's decision-making and compliance behavior and gives an explanation to the tax puzzle under EUT. 在较低的税务检查率和罚款率的威慑效应下,现实的纳税遵从水平为何如此之高?
- This paper integrates domestic and foreign research trend to summarize influence of correlative factors to rhizosphere microorganism biodiversity and ecological function. 近年来,随着对根际土壤微环境研究的深入,根际微生物研究内容不断丰富和发展。
- A small percentage of ASP.NET applications that have runtime incompatibilities with the Integrated mode may have to be moved to an application pool running in Classic mode. 与集成模式存在运行库不兼容情况的少数ASP.;NET应用程序可能必须移动到运行于经典模式的应用程序池中。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。