- However,those wishes have not come to fruition for reasons such as interference by foreign forces. 但由于某些外国势力的干预等原因,这些主张未能付诸实践。
- In a government controlled by a foreign force, a president is no more than a lie figure. 在一个被外国势力控制的政府里,总统只不过是个傀儡式人物而已。
- However, those wishes have not come to fruition for reasons such as interference by foreign forces. 但由于某些外国势力的干预等原因,这些主张未能付诸实践。
- The Afghan and foreign forces who will have to secure it must dread the prospect. 对选举进行安保工作的阿富汗及国外部队一定很恐惧此种前景。
- In a government controlled by a foreign force, a president is no more than a lay figure. 在一个被外国势力控制的政府里,总统只不过是个傀儡式人物而已。
- Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said "foreign forces" are using those services to instigate violence. 中国外交部发言人秦刚说,“外国势力”利用这些服务煽动暴力。
- Although the domestic and foreign forces opposing it have caused it serious setbacks,at the same time they have tempered the Chinese people. 各种内外反对力量虽给了解放运动以严重挫折,同时却锻炼了中国人民。
- In Afghanistan itself the Taliban have been adept at duping foreign forces into becoming their recruiters through the killing of civilians. 仅在阿富汗,塔利班就很熟练的利用国外军队造成的平民伤亡进行征兵宣传。
- Crocker said the impetus to complete the deal this year, before the current U.N. mandate for foreign forces in Iraq expires, comes from the Iraqi side. 克罗克说,伊拉克方面努力促进在今年联合国关于驻伊拉克外国部队的授权令到期前达成有关协议。
- There had been concern that British and other foreign forces would be thrown into a legal limbo if no agreement was reached. 此前有人担心,如果没有达成任何共识,英国和其它外国军队将失去驻扎在伊拉克的明确法律依据。
- The Qing dynasty (1644-1911) emperors were especially weak towards the end of their reign, when British and other foreign forces began making inroads. 清朝(1644-1911)末代皇帝特别无能,也是这时候英国和其他外国列强开始入侵中国。
- A suicide bomber rammed his explosive-laden vehicle into a supply convoy of foreign forces on a busy highway on the eastern outskirts of Kabul. 在喀布尔东部郊区,一名自杀炸弹杀手驾驶一辆装满炸药的汽车在一条繁忙的高速公路上冲向一个外国军队的补给车队。
- Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the 27th in the nation in his speech said that the terrorist attacks as "foreign forces" do. 中英文对照:印度总理辛格27日在全国讲话中称,这起恐怖袭击是“外国势力”所为。
- Overseas Uighur representatives denied fanning violence in China and pointed to Beijing's record of blaming every bout of unrest on foreign forces. 海外维吾尔人组织的代表否认煽动中国境内暴力活动,并指出,中国政府一贯将所有不稳定事件归咎于外部势力。
- It became an issue only as an aftermath of the ensuing anti-popular civil war started by Kuomintang,and more especially because of intervention by foreign forces. 之所以又出现台湾问题,与随后中国国民党发动的反人民内战有关,但更重要的是外国势力的介入。
- From the early 20th century to the late 1940s,the "East Turkistan" forces created many disturbances with the connivance and support of hostile foreign forces. 从二十世纪初至四十年代末,“东突”势力在外国敌对势力的怂恿、支持下,多次制造动乱。
- Resolution of the Taiwan issue is an internal affair of China,which should be achieved by the Chinese themselves,and there is no call for aid by foreign forces. 解决台湾问题是中国的内政,应由中国人自己解决,不需借助外国力量。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- There are also hooligan gangs, criminals and counter-revolutionaries who carry on underground activities in collusion with foreign forces and the kuomintang secret service. 还有各种流氓集团、刑事犯罪分子。 还有同外国势力和台湾特务机关联系进行地下活动的反革命分子。
- It became an issue only as an aftermath of the ensuing anti-popular civil war started by Kuomintang, and more especially because of intervention by foreign forces. 之所以又出现台湾问题,与随后中国国民党发动的反人民内战有关,但更重要的是外国势力的介入。