- forefinger index finger n. 食指
- Broken index finger on the right hand. 右手食指受伤。
- She touches her nose with her index finger. 她用食指触鼻尖。
- Spread your index finger about 1 ?inches. 张开你的食指大约1?英寸。
- She likes to wear a ring on her index finger. 她喜欢把戒指戴在二拇指上。
- He hushed me with his index finger against his mouth. 他把食指贴在嘴上告诉我别做声。
- Sometimes the index finger is more useful than the middle one. 有时食指比中指有用。
- His index finger tightened on the trigger but then relaxed again. 他的食指扣住扳机, 然后又松开了。
- Flatten the petal with index finger, to form a "tear drop" shape. 用手指把黏土按成上圆下尖的花瓣形状。
- A small bone in the wrist,situated near the base of the index finger. 小多角骨腕部的一块小骨,位于食指的根底部。
- The prints I lifted off the band are the thumb and index finger of our vic. 从指环上取下的是 受害人大拇指和食指的指纹
- A small bone in the wrist, situated near the base of the index finger. 小多角骨腕部的一块小骨,位于食指的根底部
- Use ice do massage the back of hand between thumb and index finger(V shape). 在手背的拇指和食指中间的V字形的部分,用冰块来摩擦。
- Absorbed, she licked her index finger absently each time she turned a page. 她读得出神,每次翻页就不自觉地舔一下食指。
- Rachel: And did you notice...? (She spreads her thumb and index finger. 而且,你们注意到了吗...?(她分来了自己的拇指和食指。)
- Melanie noticed the woman's index finger was stiffly grained with chalk dust. 梅兰妮注意到那个妇女的食指满是粉笔灰。
- To perform a Swipe Test, take your index finger and swipe it across the film of wax or paint protectant on your finish. 在一般情况下,美光的蜡和漆面保护剂可以持续至少15到20分钟的时间。
- Attach the clip to an earlobe or the web of skin between thumb and index finger. 将此夹夹在某个耳垂或拇指与食指之间的皮肤上。
- When thrusting with the mallet, press the head with the index finger, then thrust forward. 刺槌的时候,食指要压在槌的前面,然后向前杀出。
- With your right hand lightly grasp the grip and place your index finger lightly over the shutter button. 用您的右手轻轻握住相机手柄,并把您的食指轻轻地放在快门按钮上。