- For our present purposes, the most important of these specific powers are the power to regulate interstate commerce, the power to tax and spend, the power to enter into treaties, and the power to regulate the use of public lands. 为了我们当前的目标,这些具体权力中最为重要的是约束州际商业的权力、税收与支付权、缔结条约权和管理公共土地使用权。
- for our present purposes adj. 目前(对目前来说)
- We would like to adopt "payment by installments" for our present transaction. 这次交易我们将采用“分期付款”方式。
- This is beside our present purpose. 这与我们当前的目的无关。
- As a special case, we may exceptional adopt the installment payment for our present business. 作为特殊情况,这次交易我们可以破例接受分期付款方式。
- I propose that payment shall be made by installment for our present transaction. 关于我们目前这笔交易,我建议采用分期付款的方式付款。
- We need to answer that question for our presentations. 这个问题正是我们在个人陈述中要回答的。
- I propose that payment shall is make by installment for our present transaction. 关于我们目前这笔交易,我建议采用分期付款的方式付款。
- As a special case,we may exceptional adopt the installment payment for our present business. 作为特殊情况,这次交易我们可以破例接受分期付款方式。
- Their observations laid the ground work for our present understanding of the universe. 他们的观测给我们现代对宇宙的了解打下了基
- A few brief comments are sufficient for present purposes. 就当前而言,几句简短的话已经足够了。
- Father bought a new welcome mat for our new house. 爸爸为我们的新房子买了一个擦鞋垫。
- We shall take a grossly simplified view for present purposes. 我们将采取粗略简明的观点。
- Our present lease on the flat expires next month. 我们这套公寓的租约下月到期。
- We will buy some furniture for our new house. 我们得给我们的新房子买些家具。
- The sunshine bodes well for our barbecue. 明媚的阳光对我们的烤肉野餐是个吉兆。
- Moreover,our present session has clearly defined the direction for our efforts by deciding that the Party's main fields of work are in the battle zones and in the enemy's rear. 我们这次会议又决定党的主要工作方面是在战区和敌后,更给了一个明确的方针。
- That wood is not suitable for our purposes. 那块木头不适合我们的用途。
- Your article is a bit long for our paper. 你的文章对我们的报纸而言长了一点。
- It doesn't matter for present purposes what that more fundamental level is. 对于现在的目的这个更基础的层面是什么无关紧要。