- They're anxious for literary articles. Why don't you contribute? 他们急需文艺稿件,你何不投投稿?
- They are anxious for literary articles. Why don't you contribute? 他们急需文艺稿件,你何不投投稿?
- It also helps to throw into relief their common search for literary kingdom. 这也可以帮助我们了解他们对于文学王国的共同探索。
- I suppose that analogy is a little too obvious for literary tastes, but it's pretty much the way I feel. 这一比喻太浅露了,不够文学味儿,可这大致就我的感受。
- I suppose that analogy is a little too obvious for literary tates,but it is pretty much the way I feel. 我假设比喻文艺的是一少许太显然的,但是它几乎是我感觉的方式。
- Lacks planning for career has no purpose or goals. 对自己的事业没有安排就没有目标和理想。
- Realism, for literary researchers, remains an inescapable subject that is always well worth studying. 现实主义是文学研究者绕不开的永远值得讨论的话题。
- Begins with the smelting of iron ore, and passes into civilization with the invention of alphabetic writing and its use for literary records. 从铁矿石的冶炼开始,并由于文字的发明及其应用于文献记录而过渡到文明时代。
- His conception has great revelatory significace for literary study today, for it contains a profound realistic critical spirit. 其中蕴含着深刻的现实批判精神,对于当代文论研究仍然不无启示意义。
- A room was set apart for the purpose. 专门为这留出了一个房间。
- The subject phantasm constructs inter-space from subject diversity, context and subject imagination, changes for literary hermeneutics. 在文学阐释中,主体幻象从主体差异、语境变化及主体的想象性变化等方面建构阐释所需的间性空间。
- The Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing supports the application of computing in the study of language and literature. 提供语言和文学研究在计算方面应用的协助。
- First, the dialogic system of academic identity is essential for literary theory to break away from a self-sealed world. 首先,学术认同的对话机制是文学理论走出自我封闭世界的基本前提。
- Postcolonial literature criticism, which emerged from postcolonial theory, represents a new approach for literary readings. 从后殖民理论思潮中衍生出来的后殖民文学批评,昭示了文学作品阅读的崭新视角。
- The former is responsible for literary and political traditions in Song Dynasty and the latter for phenomenon of literary cliques. 由前者产生贯穿两宋始终的文统、道统观念 ,由后者生成宋代文坛上体派纷纭的现象。
- While the Qur'an continues to occupy the pedestal as an abiding model for literary Arabic, the languages of other scriptures had all become dead. 当古兰经作为阿拉伯文学永久的典范而一直占据崇高地位的时候,其他经典语言已全然死寂。
- We've come here for a set purpose. 我们来到这里是有目的的。
- As a discipline mediating between linguistics and literary criticism, literary stylistics provides a new perspective for literary translation studies. 作为连接语言学和文学批评的桥梁,近年来兴起于西方的文学文体学理论,为翻译理论与实践的研究开辟了一个新的视角。
- Hysteria seemed to be a vanished19 th-century extravagance useful for literary analysis but surely out of place in the serious reaches of contemporary science. 歇斯底里症似乎不再是19世纪用作文学分析的夸张语,但它确实不在当代科学的严肃范畴之列。
- The teacher paired us off for the purpose of the exercise. 为了做练习,老师把我们分成一对一对。